Title Notice published Urgent? Status Decision due
Local Development Scheme01/10/2021For Determination27/10/2021
Awarding of Contract - Pay Unit Replacement in Off-Street Car Parks31/08/2021For Determination08/12/2021
Healthy and Active Lives Framework02/08/2021For Determination16/03/2022
Financial Management Report: April - December 202130/04/2021For Determination16/03/2022
Swale House refurbishment - Award of Contracts30/04/2021For Determination27/10/2021
Recommendations from the Swale Joint Transportation Board meeting held on 28 February 202201/04/2021For Determination16/03/2022
Recommendations from the Local Plan Panel meeting held on 27 January 202201/04/2021For Determination09/02/2022
Recommendations from the Local Plan Panel meeting held on 25 November 202101/04/2021For Determination08/12/2021