Issue - decisions

Swale House Refurbishment

01/09/2022 - Swale House Refurbishment

The Cabinet Member for Property and Economy introduced the report which updated Members on the progress made with the design and feasibility work for the proposed Swale House refurbishment project, and to seek delegated authority to carry out certain carbon reduction works fully funded from grant funding in advance of the decision to allocate capital funding to the project.  She explained that there had been no investment in Swale House for a considerable time and it was a key employment site within the town centre.  The Cabinet Member for Property and Economy said that feedback from staff would be sought and any available space would be of economic benefit to SBC.  She referred to the report attached from Spacelab on page 67 of the report and said there was an opportunity to bid for funding for the works.




(1) That the progress made on the design and feasibility stages of the project be noted.


(2)  That delegated authority be given to the Head of Property Services in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Property and Economy, subject to a successful grant application, to carry out certain carbon reduction works fully funded from grant funding in advance of the decision to allocated capital funding to the project.