Issue - decisions

Economic Improvement Plan - Duplicate Issue

01/09/2022 - Economic Improvement Plan

The Cabinet Member for Economy and Property introduced the report and said that the Economic Improvement Plan was an overarching framework.  She said that the Council had to take advantage of any opportunities during the Covid-19 pandemic and the plan set out the Council’s priorities.  The Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance referred to paragraph 2.2 on page 199 of the Agenda which gave the overarching priorities and highlighted the impact the lack of skills within Swale had had on growth in the Borough and how vital the skills agenda was.


A Member supported the Economic Improvement Plan and recognised the impact the Covid-19 pandemic had.  He referred to the lorry and coach parking provision and improvement to broadband in rural areas, listed as priorities on page 207 of the agenda.  The Leader said the provision of a lorry park required proper planning for the whole of Swale.




(1)  That the Economic Improvement Plan 2020-2023 be approved and adopted.