Issue - decisions

Faversham Recreation Ground – Refreshment Kiosk Lease

01/09/2022 - Faversham Recreation Ground – Refreshment Kiosk Lease

The Leader reminded Members that if discussion on the confidential appendix for this item was necessary, the meeting would go into closed session.


The Cabinet Member for Environment introduced the report which set out the proposals for a lease of part of The Lodge at Faversham Recreation Ground, Faversham to HatHats Coffee Faversham Ltd.  He explained that restoration of the Lodge from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) had provided a refreshment kiosk and HatHats Coffee Faversham Ltd were the only company who had expressed an interest to manage it.  He said that HatHats Coffee Faversham Ltd had extensive experience of managing a similar facility successfully at Reculver Country Park for Canterbury City Council.


A Member spoke in support of the important project and was pleased it was near completion. He asked for clarity on the definition of ‘pop-up’ as in paragraph 3.1 of the report, asked who would maintain the toilet facilities and sought reassurance that the 10-year lease was appropriate in relation to the upkeep of the equipment.  In response, the Greenspaces Manager explained that ‘pop-up’ related to the company’s ability to provide facilities such as an ice-cream bike near the play area or facilities to provide tea and coffee for events.  He said the toilet facilities would be the responsibility of Swale Borough Council (SBC) for maintenance and the concessionaire for opening/closing and cleaning, and he was confident in the company, given their success at Reculver and the terms of the lease.  A Member added that properly maintained equipment would last for 15-20 years and most electrical catering equipment had a 10-year guarantee.


A Member asked whether the terms of the lease would preclude other organisations holding one-off catering events at the recreation ground?  The Greenspaces Manager said that the company had requested a restriction on other commercial activity in order to protect their investment, but the exact wording of the lease was still being worked on to enable charity events to continue.




(1)  That the lease with HatHats Coffee Faversham Ltd be agreed.


(2)  That delegated authority be given to the Head of Property Services to agree final terms in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment.


(3)  That the Head of Mid Kent Legal Services be authorised to complete the necessary legal formalities in due course.