Issue - decisions

Review of Fees and Charges - Duplicate Issue

01/09/2022 - Review of Fees and Charges

The Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the report which invited Cabinet to consider the proposals for the level of fees and charges to be levied for the next financial year 2021/22.


The Cabinet Member for Planning referred to pages 23 and 24 of the report and considered that all fees for Travelling Fairs and Circuses should be set the same, at £200.  He highlighted the variances in fees for similar events. The Cabinet Member for Economy and Property highlighted the costs on Street Trading fees.  Further information on the cost variances was requested.  In the debate that followed, the Monitoring Officer suggested that the following recommendation could be added, to allow for further clarification on the costs:


That delegated authority be given to the Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance to amend the fees and charges and/or the wording to the Travelling Fairs and shows, and Street Trading fees prior to reporting Scrutiny Committee, following consultation with the Head of Commissioning, Environment and Leisure Services and the Chief Financial Officer for further detail on costs and taking into account the view expressed by the Cabinet Member for Planning and the Cabinet Member for Economy and Property.


On being put to the vote, Members agreed the inclusion of the additional resolution.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing drew attention to all enquiries that charged a fee, as highlighted on page 12 of the report, and that they should be charged regardless of whether the enquiry was as a Freedom of Information request or not.


The Deputy Leader of the opposition highlighted the increase to Garden Waste Subscription at page 28 of the report and asked Cabinet to consider whether the increase might discourage use of the service.




(1)  That the proposed fees and charges 2021/22 as set out in this report be approved subject to any amendments set out under delegations (2) and (3).


(2)  Regarding Pest Control that delegated authority be given to the Head of Commissioning, Environment and Leisure Services in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and the Cabinet Member for Environment to amend the fees and charges and/or the wording to the Pest Control charges bases on the outcomes from industry research and expressions of interest over the coming months, and to implement the revised charges to reflect any new pest control contract start dates (which may be before or after 1 April 2021). If a suitable contract is not deemed viable, these fees and charges will be removed.




(3)  That delegated authority be given to the Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance to amend the fees and charges and/or the wording to the Travelling Fairs and shows, and Street Trading fees prior to reporting Scrutiny Committee, following consultation with the Head of Commissioning, Environment and Leisure Services and the Chief Financial Officer for further detail on costs and taking into account the view expressed by the Cabinet Member for Planning and the Cabinet Member for Economy and Property.