Issue - decisions

Financial Management Report - Outturn 2021/22

02/09/2022 - Financial Management Report - Outturn 2021/22

The Chief Executive introduced the report which set out the revenue and capital outturn position for 2021/22. She drew attention to page 30 of the agenda pack which showed the variances by service.


The Chair proposed the recommendations and was seconded by Councillor Alan Horton.




(1)          That the revenue underspend of £104,200 be noted.

(2)          That delegation be given to the Director of Resources to allocate the uncommitted underspends to the Budget Contingency Reserve.

(3)          That the capital slippage of £9,394,080 and capital expenditure of £6,082,880 against the Revised Budget as detailed in Table 4 and appendix I of the report be noted.

(4)          That the capital rollovers of £8,885,200 as detailed in appendix I of the report be approved.