Issue - decisions

Approval to Let Retail/Leisure Units at Bourne Place, Sittingbourne

01/09/2022 - Bourne Place Units - Approval to Let Retail/Leisure Units

The Cabinet Member for Economy and Property introduced the report which sought to agree the letting of the remaining Units 1, 2 and 3a at Bourne Place, Sittingbourne.  She highlighted that it had been a difficult few years for businesses impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic and said that securing the prospective tenants for the units was a good result.


In the discussion that followed Members raised points including:


·         It was a good investment;

·         clarification on services charges;

·         had the effect on similar businesses been considered?;

·         the type of business leasing the units offered resilience and sustainability;

·         clarification that the resolution should refer to Committee chairs not Cabinet members; and

·         a mix of services at the site attracted more customers;


The Cabinet Member for Economy and Property said the company had a different market to the comparison discussed.


A visiting Member congratulated Members on securing a business for the remaining units.




(1)  To approve the proposed letting to the preferred bidder as set out in Appendix I.


(2)  To give delegated authority to the Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods and the Director of Resources, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Finance and the Cabinet Member for Economy and Property, or the chairs of the relevant service committees in future municipal years, to negotiate, agree and complete leases in relation to remaining units on Bourne Place, Sittingbourne in the event that the letting proposed in the report does not proceed.