Issue - decisions

Procurement of Utility Supplies

01/09/2022 - Procurement of Utility Supplies

The Leader introduced the report which was to enter into a contract with Laser Buying Group from 1 October 2021 until 30 September 2025 for electricity and on a 1+1+1 basis for the gas supply on the terms set out in the report.


A member sought clarification from the officer as to why it is only recommended that we move to 50% of our electricity usage rather than 100%. The officer responded by explaining to the Cabinet that the 50% recommendation was to minimise the risk of a financial penalty.


The Leader proposed the recommendation and this was seconded by the Cabinet Member for Climate and Ecological Emergency. 




(1)   The Council enter into a contract with Laser Buying Group from 1 October 2021 until 30 September 2025 for electricity on a 1+1+1 basis for gas supply on the terms set out in the report.