Issue - decisions

Financial Management Report - Financial Outturn Report 2020/21

01/09/2022 - Financial Management Report - Financial Outturn Report 2020/21

The Leader introduced the report which outlined the revenue and capital outturn position of the Council for 2020/2021. The Leader highlighted the £3.893m overspend due to the Covid Pandemic. He said that tables 4 and 5 show the amount of government funding the Council had received in the past year. He asked members to agree to the settlement of the litigation case.


The Cabinet Member for Economy and Property proposed the recommendations which were seconded by the Cabinet Member for Community.




(1)  Noted the revenue underspend of £1.321m.

(2)  Approved the revenue service rollovers of £293,753 and setting up of new reserves as set out in Appendix I Table 13.

(3)  That delegation be given to the Chief Executive for the allocation of uncommitted underspends to a Covid Recovery Fund.

(4)  Noted the capital underspend of £4,400,272 and expenditure of £9,603,218 as detailed in paragraph 3.33 and Appendix I Table 16.

(5)  Approved the capital rollovers of £5,880,664 as detailed in Appendix I Table 17

(6)  Approved the transfer of reserves as set out in Table 3

(7)  Agreed the settlement on litigation as set out in paragraph 3.25 of the report

(8)  That delegation be given to the Chief Executive to top up the General Reserve as required and set out in paragraph 3.30 of the report.