Issue - decisions

Swale Borough Council and its approach to recovery - Duplicate Issue

01/09/2022 - Swale Borough Council and its approach to recovery

The leader introduced the report which outlined the Council’s COVID-19 Recovery Plan and referred to the plan that was previously agreed in July 2020 by Cabinet. He explained to members that the Council needed to react quickly to the second COVID-19 wave and had to change the approach agreed by Cabinet in July 2020. The leader reminded members that the recovery plan was based on the corporate plan and that effectiveness of the plan depended on the allocated funding given to the Council by the government, including any funding schemes available to the Council.


The leader drew attention to table 1 on  appendix I which showed a vast range of objectives including a focus on key areas such as; economic improvement affordable housing, communities and social inclusion and local democracy. The leader pointed out to members that the plan was a comprehensive guide and a virtue of the Council to know where we are going and what steps we are taking.


The Leader proposed the recommendation which was seconded by the Cabinet Member for Planning.



(1)   That the progress on the Recovery Plan (set out in appendix one) be noted.