Issue - decisions

Health and Wellbeing Improvement Plan

01/09/2022 - Health and Wellbeing Improvement Plan

The Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing introduced the report which provided an overview of the Health and Wellbeing Improvement Plan (HWIP) and a summary of the recent consultation process.  She said that, where possible, the responses to the consultation would be added to the website, and would include reasons why some of the points raised could not be actioned.  The Cabinet Member also advised that there would be a signposting section, plus a directory included within the HWIP.  She highlighted initiatives, such as a healthy eating recipe book which had been added to the Council’s website, with copies made available at foodbanks; a Healthy Living Centre; the Community Chef; and Seashells Community Pantry.  The Cabinet Member hoped to work with wider groups in the future to help with the health and wellbeing of all residents.


In the discussion that followed, Members raised the following points:


·         There was a lot of good work in this Plan;

·         wanted to thank the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, her deputy and officers for the work they had carried out;

·         it was important to recognise that healthy living started at home;

·         welcomed the Plan which worked across all portfolios;

·         this would help to tackle inequalities throughout the Borough;

·         the effects of the measures within the Plan not being present were clear to see;

·         welcomed the aims and objectives of the Plan; and

·         this needed to be monitored to see how much was practically being delivered.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing explained that this was a working document and it was hoped to have regular updates on the progress of the Plan.




(1)      That the Health and Wellbeing Improvement Plan be approved.