Issue - decisions

Clean Air Zone (CAZ)

01/09/2022 - Clean Air Zone (CAZ)

The Cabinet Member for Environment introduced the report which presented the findings of a feasibility study carried out by independent consultants Ricardo to assess the costs and air quality benefits of a Clean Air Zone (CAZ) at the six air quality management areas along the A2.  He said that SBC were responsible for air quality and Kent County Council (KCC) were the Highway Authority, and he explained that many actions to address the issues required collaboration between the two.


The Cabinet Member for Environment spoke about the table on page 77 which set out the options and measures that were evaluated during the feasibility study. He then highlighted the table on page 78 of the report, gave more detail and explanation, and compared the benefits and disadvantages of each of the categories.  The Cabinet Member for Environment also spoke about the costs of implementing some measures, and commented that some measures might not be possible to implement on some parts of the A2.  He said that the modelling was based on 2022 data.


The Cabinet Member for Environment spoke about other options to consider including working with KCC and applying to DEFRA to follow amended principles of a Clear Air Zone for adopting a ‘Low Emissions Zone’ or making adjustments to other options already suggested.  He encouraged the use of signage to advertise air quality management areas.


Finally, the Cabinet Member for Environment said that the report included ideas that could be taken forward with KCC.  The Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance said the report was the stepping stone to progress.


The Leader thanked officers for their work on the project.




(1)  That the contents of the Clean Air Zone Feasibility (CAZ) Study report and its conclusions and recommendations be noted.


(2)  That the recommended option from the CAZ Feasibility Study of working in partnership with KCC to review the measures explored and develop in more detail a package of measures to reduce traffic, improve flow and improve the vehicle fleet along the A2 be pursued.  This could be promoted as a local Low Emission Zone or similar.


(3) That a report come back to Cabinet at a later date following engagement and discussion with KCC on any options or measures that are supported by KCC to be taken forwards.