Committee attendance

Annual Council, 34 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Duncan Dewar-Whalley 8
Councillor Andrew Bowles 8
Councillor Mike Cosgrove 7
Councillor Gerry Lewin 8
Councillor George Bobbin 8
Monique Bonney 12
Andy Booth 8
Tony Winckless 9
Peter Marchington 12
Lloyd Bowen 15
Councillor Lynd Taylor 2
Julien Speed 2
Councillor Bryan Mulhern 4
Councillor Colin Prescott 8
Ken Pugh 9
Councillor Derek Conway 8
David Simmons 12
Councillor Ben Stokes 7
Roger Truelove 12
Councillor Anita Walker 8
Ghlin Whelan 9
Mike Whiting 13
Denise Knights 5
Hannah Perkin 6
Corrie Woodford 4
Councillor Ted Wilcox 8
Alastair Gould 7
Steve Davey 4
Tom Nundy 2
Ann Hampshire 4
Ashley Wise 2
Simon Fowle 4
Tim Gibson 6
Lee-Anne Moore 2
Lee McCall 4
Pete Neal 7
Julian Saunders 5
Ben J Martin 7
Eddie Thomas 3
Sarah Stephen 6
Richard Palmer 6
Councillor John Wright 8
Elliott Jayes 6
Councillor Mark Ellen 5
Councillor June Garrad 3
Councillor Sue Gent 8
Nicholas Hampshire 12
Angela Harrison 11
Councillor Mike Henderson 3
Dolley Wooster 2
Vacancy 6
Councillor Adrian Crowther 5
Peter MacDonald 5
Lloyd Chapman 1
Tim Valentine 4
Simon Clark 6
Chris Palmer 2
Derek Carnell 6
Oliver Eakin 2
Rich Lehmann 2
Councillor Mike Henderson passed away on 29 May 2024 0
Ken Rowles 5
Claire Martin 2
Ann Cavanagh 2
Charlie Miller 2
Terry Thompson 2
Angie Valls 2
Mark Last 2
Hayden Brawn 2
Kieran Golding 1
Tara Noe 2
Chris Williams - resigned from the Council 23.10.23 1
Andy Booth 2
Mark Tucker 2
Charles Gibson 1
Carole Jackson 5
Alex Eyre 0
Karen Watson 2
Shelley Cheesman 2
Benjamin A Martin 3
Bill Tatton 4
Ashley Shiel 2
Paul Stephen 6
Mike Dendor 13
Roger Clark 11
Councillor Katy Coleman 2
James Hall 6
Councillor Samuel Koffie-Williams 8
Cameron Beart 13
Richard Darby 7
Councillor Sarah Aldridge 6
Councillor Paul Fleming 8
Councillor Tina Booth 8
Councillor Ken Ingleton 14
Councillor Nigel Kay 8
Mike Baldock 10
Alan Horton 13
Councillor Mick Galvin 5
Padmini Nissanga 8
James Hunt 14
Councillor George Samuel 5
Community and Leisure Committee, 18 meetings
Member Attendances
Monique Bonney 1
Tony Winckless 8
Peter Marchington 2
Lloyd Bowen 6
Mike Whiting 3
Hannah Perkin 13
Corrie Woodford 1
Alastair Gould 7
Steve Davey 7
Tom Nundy 7
Tim Gibson 7
Lee-Anne Moore 5
Lee McCall 4
Pete Neal 4
Julian Saunders 2
Ben J Martin 2
Sarah Stephen 1
Richard Palmer 15
Elliott Jayes 10
Nicholas Hampshire 6
Angela Harrison 0
Dolley Wooster 1
Peter MacDonald 11
Lloyd Chapman 0
Tim Valentine 0
Simon Clark 1
Chris Palmer 3
Derek Carnell 1
Oliver Eakin 7
Councillor Mike Henderson passed away on 29 May 2024 3
Ken Rowles 7
Claire Martin 3
Ann Cavanagh 2
Charlie Miller 1
Terry Thompson 5
Angie Valls 0
Mark Last 8
Hayden Brawn 0
Tara Noe 7
Mark Tucker 3
Carole Jackson 0
Karen Watson 3
Shelley Cheesman 8
Ashley Shiel 6
Mike Dendor 7
James Hall 3
Cameron Beart 4
Councillor Ken Ingleton 0
Mike Baldock 2
James Hunt 1
Council, 154 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Duncan Dewar-Whalley 38
Councillor Andrew Bowles 35
Councillor Mike Cosgrove 36
Councillor Gerry Lewin 36
Councillor Richard Barnicott 5
Councillor Sylvia Bennett 5
Councillor George Bobbin 35
Monique Bonney 59
Andy Booth 34
Tony Winckless 43
Peter Marchington 65
Councillor Martin McCusker 3
Lloyd Bowen 64
Councillor Lynd Taylor 6
Julien Speed 8
Councillor Jackie Constable 0
Councillor Bryan Mulhern 16
Councillor Colin Prescott 26
Councillor Mick Constable 5
Ken Pugh 46
Councillor Derek Conway 29
Councillor Gareth Randall 4
Councillor Pat Sandle 5
Councillor David Sargent 2
David Simmons 57
Councillor Ben Stokes 34
Councillor Adam Tolhurst 5
Roger Truelove 60
Councillor Anita Walker 36
Ghlin Whelan 58
Mike Whiting 61
Denise Knights 23
Hannah Perkin 27
Corrie Woodford 21
Councillor Ted Wilcox 37
Alastair Gould 34
Councillor Nick Williams 2
Steve Davey 25
Tom Nundy 6
Ann Hampshire 22
Ashley Wise 6
Councillor Alan Willicombe 3
Simon Fowle 17
Tim Gibson 34
Lee-Anne Moore 9
Councillor Jean Willicombe 3
Lee McCall 21
Pete Neal 23
Julian Saunders 24
Councillor Tony Winckless 5
Ben J Martin 32
Eddie Thomas 19
Councillor Steve Worrall 5
Sarah Stephen 34
Richard Palmer 30
Councillor John Wright 33
Elliott Jayes 26
Councillor Mark Ellen 39
Councillor June Garrad 24
Councillor Ed Gent 1
Councillor Sue Gent 34
Nicholas Hampshire 61
Angela Harrison 69
Councillor Mike Haywood 4
Councillor Mike Henderson 36
Dolley Wooster 8
Vacancy 24
Councillor John Coulter 5
Councillor Adrian Crowther 24
Peter MacDonald 25
Councillor David Lloyd Jones 3
Lloyd Chapman 6
Tim Valentine 24
Simon Clark 27
Chris Palmer 7
Derek Carnell 27
Oliver Eakin 9
Rich Lehmann 7
Councillor Mike Henderson passed away on 29 May 2024 4
Ken Rowles 25
Claire Martin 5
Ann Cavanagh 8
Charlie Miller 8
Terry Thompson 9
Angie Valls 8
Mark Last 9
Hayden Brawn 9
Kieran Golding 7
Tara Noe 7
Chris Williams - resigned from the Council 23.10.23 3
Andy Booth 5
Mark Tucker 7
Charles Gibson 5
Carole Jackson 31
Alex Eyre 0
Karen Watson 8
Shelley Cheesman 9
Benjamin A Martin 14
Bill Tatton 20
Ashley Shiel 6
Paul Stephen 33
Mike Dendor 57
Roger Clark 52
Councillor Katy Coleman 14
James Hall 49
Councillor Samuel Koffie-Williams 32
Cameron Beart 55
Richard Darby 42
Councillor Sarah Aldridge 26
Councillor Paul Fleming 32
Councillor Tina Booth 31
Councillor Ken Ingleton 54
Councillor Nigel Kay 32
Mike Baldock 64
Alan Horton 57
Councillor Mick Galvin 23
Padmini Nissanga 46
James Hunt 64
Councillor George Samuel 32
Housing and Health Committee, 15 meetings
Member Attendances
Tony Winckless 4
Peter Marchington 7
Lloyd Bowen 2
Ken Pugh 3
Roger Truelove 2
Ghlin Whelan 5
Mike Whiting 5
Hannah Perkin 4
Corrie Woodford 3
Alastair Gould 10
Steve Davey 0
Tom Nundy 6
Ann Hampshire 4
Ashley Wise 1
Tim Gibson 1
Lee McCall 3
Pete Neal 5
Ben J Martin 10
Sarah Stephen 0
Richard Palmer 8
Elliott Jayes 3
Angela Harrison 11
Dolley Wooster 0
Peter MacDonald 2
Lloyd Chapman 0
Chris Palmer 5
Derek Carnell 1
Councillor Mike Henderson passed away on 29 May 2024 1
Ken Rowles 2
Ann Cavanagh 6
Angie Valls 3
Hayden Brawn 4
Kieran Golding 4
Chris Williams - resigned from the Council 23.10.23 1
Carole Jackson 2
Karen Watson 5
Bill Tatton 3
Roger Clark 1
Councillor Ken Ingleton 4
Alan Horton 1
Licensing Committee, 19 meetings
Member Attendances
Tony Winckless 8
Ghlin Whelan 4
Mike Whiting 6
Alastair Gould 2
Tom Nundy 5
Tim Gibson 3
Lee-Anne Moore 3
Lee McCall 3
Julian Saunders 2
Ben J Martin 4
Eddie Thomas 2
Richard Palmer 2
Peter MacDonald 2
Simon Clark 2
Chris Palmer 5
Derek Carnell 6
Oliver Eakin 0
Rich Lehmann 4
Ken Rowles 1
Ann Cavanagh 1
Terry Thompson 1
Angie Valls 5
Mark Last 3
Tara Noe 5
Carole Jackson 6
Alex Eyre 0
Karen Watson 1
Paul Stephen 7
Mike Dendor 3
Roger Clark 6
Cameron Beart 2
Alan Horton 2
Planning Committee, 299 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Duncan Dewar-Whalley 2
Councillor Andrew Bowles 18
Councillor Mike Cosgrove 2
Councillor Gerry Lewin 18
Councillor Richard Barnicott 12
Councillor Sylvia Bennett 13
Councillor George Bobbin 63
Monique Bonney 57
Andy Booth 67
Tony Winckless 80
Peter Marchington 134
Councillor Martin McCusker 3
Lloyd Bowen 18
Councillor Lynd Taylor 3
Julien Speed 16
Councillor Bryan Mulhern 63
Councillor Colin Prescott 46
Councillor Mick Constable 11
Councillor Derek Conway 12
Councillor Gareth Randall 1
Councillor Pat Sandle 0
David Simmons 57
Councillor Ben Stokes 32
Councillor Adam Tolhurst 2
Roger Truelove 39
Councillor Anita Walker 1
Ghlin Whelan 69
Mike Whiting 25
Denise Knights 7
Hannah Perkin 9
Corrie Woodford 15
Councillor Ted Wilcox 2
Alastair Gould 9
Councillor Nick Williams 0
Steve Davey 26
Tom Nundy 1
Simon Fowle 10
Tim Gibson 55
Lee McCall 13
Pete Neal 6
Julian Saunders 1
Councillor Tony Winckless 14
Ben J Martin 56
Eddie Thomas 12
Sarah Stephen 4
Richard Palmer 39
Councillor John Wright 17
Elliott Jayes 56
Councillor Mark Ellen 26
Councillor June Garrad 13
Councillor Sue Gent 34
Nicholas Hampshire 40
Angela Harrison 39
Councillor Mike Haywood 2
Councillor Mike Henderson 72
Dolley Wooster 0
Vacancy 26
Councillor Adrian Crowther 12
Peter MacDonald 4
Councillor David Lloyd Jones 5
Tim Valentine 52
Simon Clark 56
Chris Palmer 11
Derek Carnell 12
Oliver Eakin 20
Councillor Mike Henderson passed away on 29 May 2024 20
Ken Rowles 34
Claire Martin 14
Ann Cavanagh 8
Charlie Miller 13
Terry Thompson 17
Angie Valls 23
Hayden Brawn 6
Kieran Golding 15
Tara Noe 1
Andy Booth 16
Mark Tucker 2
Carole Jackson 46
Karen Watson 19
Shelley Cheesman 6
Benjamin A Martin 19
Bill Tatton 6
Paul Stephen 69
Mike Dendor 91
Roger Clark 70
Councillor Katy Coleman 2
James Hall 104
Councillor Samuel Koffie-Williams 11
Cameron Beart 111
Richard Darby 81
Councillor Sarah Aldridge 1
Councillor Paul Fleming 21
Councillor Tina Booth 24
Councillor Ken Ingleton 42
Councillor Nigel Kay 35
Mike Baldock 95
Alan Horton 11
Councillor Mick Galvin 10
Padmini Nissanga 2
James Hunt 129
Policy and Resources Committee, 29 meetings
Member Attendances
Monique Bonney 20
Tony Winckless 2
Peter Marchington 4
Lloyd Bowen 18
Julien Speed 10
David Simmons 6
Roger Truelove 10
Mike Whiting 14
Hannah Perkin 1
Corrie Woodford 7
Alastair Gould 0
Steve Davey 0
Tom Nundy 0
Ashley Wise 11
Tim Gibson 21
Pete Neal 0
Julian Saunders 9
Ben J Martin 2
Richard Palmer 11
Elliott Jayes 2
Angela Harrison 10
Dolley Wooster 11
Peter MacDonald 0
Tim Valentine 10
Simon Clark 1
Chris Palmer 2
Derek Carnell 14
Oliver Eakin 0
Rich Lehmann 7
Councillor Mike Henderson passed away on 29 May 2024 11
Ken Rowles 1
Ann Cavanagh 1
Mark Last 11
Hayden Brawn 0
Mark Tucker 0
Charles Gibson 4
Carole Jackson 1
Karen Watson 1
Shelley Cheesman 1
Bill Tatton 7
Ashley Shiel 0
Mike Dendor 9
James Hall 0
Cameron Beart 1
Councillor Ken Ingleton 2
Mike Baldock 19
Alan Horton 9
James Hunt 14
Sheppey Area Committee, 22 meetings
Member Attendances
Monique Bonney 5
Tony Winckless 5
Peter Marchington 19
Ken Pugh 7
David Simmons 1
Roger Truelove 2
Mike Whiting 6
Denise Knights 3
Hannah Perkin 0
Corrie Woodford 2
Steve Davey 5
Tom Nundy 8
Simon Fowle 10
Tim Gibson 7
Lee-Anne Moore 5
Lee McCall 10
Pete Neal 17
Julian Saunders 2
Eddie Thomas 1
Sarah Stephen 1
Richard Palmer 3
Elliott Jayes 15
Councillor Mark Ellen 1
Angela Harrison 18
Dolley Wooster 14
Peter MacDonald 15
Tim Valentine 1
Oliver Eakin 3
Ken Rowles 4
Hayden Brawn 6
Tara Noe 6
Andy Booth 4
Mark Tucker 5
Carole Jackson 4
Bill Tatton 11
Ashley Shiel 12
Mike Dendor 5
Roger Clark 1
Cameron Beart 12
Richard Darby 11
Councillor Ken Ingleton 15
Mike Baldock 1
Alan Horton 1
Padmini Nissanga 5
James Hunt 2
Standards Committee, 40 meetings
Member Attendances
Councillor Duncan Dewar-Whalley 5
Councillor Richard Barnicott 1
Councillor George Bobbin 1
Monique Bonney 7
Andy Booth 1
Tony Winckless 8
Lloyd Bowen 11
Councillor Colin Prescott 1
Councillor Derek Conway 4
Councillor Ben Stokes 3
Roger Truelove 2
Ghlin Whelan 3
Mike Whiting 1
Denise Knights 2
Hannah Perkin 11
Corrie Woodford 5
Alastair Gould 1
Councillor Nick Williams 0
Steve Davey 7
Tom Nundy 0
Ashley Wise 5
Tim Gibson 2
Lee McCall 1
Pete Neal 4
Julian Saunders 2
Councillor Tony Winckless 1
Sarah Stephen 1
Richard Palmer 6
Elliott Jayes 9
Councillor Mark Ellen 0
Councillor Sue Gent 3
Nicholas Hampshire 4
Angela Harrison 3
Councillor Mike Henderson 0
Dolley Wooster 0
Councillor David Lloyd Jones 1
Tim Valentine 0
Derek Carnell 1
Rich Lehmann 2
Ken Rowles 3
Ann Cavanagh 1
Charlie Miller 5
Mark Last 4
Hayden Brawn 0
Charles Gibson 1
Carole Jackson 1
Karen Watson 1
Bill Tatton 4
Mike Dendor 2
Roger Clark 5
Cameron Beart 3
Councillor Paul Fleming 4
Councillor Tina Booth 3
Councillor Ken Ingleton 10
Mike Baldock 1
Alan Horton 4
Padmini Nissanga 1
James Hunt 9