Agenda item

Deferred Items

To consider the following applications:


1.    SW/14/0479 - Greystone, Bannister Hill, Borden


2.    14/500561 - Former HBC Engineering Site Power Station Road, Minster


Members of the public are advised to confirm with Planning Services prior to the meeting that these applications will be considered at this meeting.


Requests to speak on these items must be registered with Democratic Services ( or call us on 01795 417328) by noon on Wednesday 10 December 2014.


Deferred Item


Reports shown in previous Minutes as being deferred from that Meeting.


Deferred Item 1 SW/14/0479                                                                                            Borden


Outline planning permission for demolition of existing attached garage & erection of replacement detached garage, bin store, 2 x two storey 4 bedroom detached dwellings, with attached garages, accessed via extension of existing driveway as clarified by email dated 3 June 2014 clarifying the eaves height of the proposed houses, and by drawing received 28 July 2014 showing a wider driveway and sight lines.

ADDRESS Greystone, Bannister Hill, Borden, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8HU

APPLICANT Messrs HG & TP Hutchinson

AGENT Mr Roland Day


The Area Planning Officer reported that the applicant had provided an amended plan showing acceptable sightlines that were 20 metres x 20 metres and Kent County Council (KCC) Highways raised no objection to the amended plan.  The Area Planning Officer further reported that following receipt of the amended plans, notices had been served on the land-owners both sides of the site and any objections they may have needed to be received by 25 December 2014.


The Area Planning Officer requested that unless objections raising new issues were received, he be given delegated authority to approve the application.


The Chairman moved the officer recommendation for approval and this was seconded.


Resolved:  That application SW/14/0367 be delegated to officers to approve subject to conditions (1) to (11) in the report and no objections raising any new issues being received by 25 December 2014 from the land owners either side of the development in relation to the amended sightlines.


Deferred Item 2 14/5000561                                                                                            Minster


Outline Planning permission (all matters except access reserved) - Residential redevelopment with provision of associated vehicular and pedestrian access, open space, drainage and services.

ADDRESS Former HBC Engineering Site Power Station Road Halfway Minster-on-sea Kent ME12 3AB



The Chairman drew attention to the confidential information paper from legal which was tabled.  He advised Members that if they wished to discuss the paper then they would need to consider it in closed session.


Members advised that they had noted the paper and agreed that no discussion on its contents was necessary.


The Major Projects Officer reported that one further letter of objection had been received raising points already outlined in the report and also concerns about future traffic levels as a result of the development, particularly at peak periods.  The Major Projects Officer drew attention to an additional letter received from the applicant’s agent which responded to points in respect of highway implications of the development, which was also tabled.


The Major Projects Officer reported that KCC Highways raised no objection.


The Major Projects Officer sought delegation to approve the application subject to the signing of a suitably worded Section 106 Agreement and conditions (1) to (24) as set out in the original report.


Mr Walsh, an objector, spoke against the application.


Mr Rees, on behalf of the applicant, spoke in support of the application.


The Chairman moved the officer recommendation for approval and this was seconded.


Ward Members spoke against the application and raised the following points: would have an adverse impact on traffic movement; would exacerbate existing flooding problems; the current infrastructure could not support the proposed development; impact on health and safety of residents; and lead to an increase in traffic accidents.


Members considered the proposal and raised the following points: note the petition that was signed by 806 raising objection; current road network would not be able to support the development; concerns about drainage at the site; it was the policy of this authority to support development on brownfield sites over greenfield sites; our Local Plan states that there is an urgent need for housing developments within the Borough; KCC Highways stated that there were no valid planning reasons to refuse the application; drainage issues can be dealt with at the full application stage; and needed to ensure that conditions relating to drainage are complied with.


In response to queries from Members, the Major Projects Officer advised that KCC Highways had confirmed that there was not a long-term improvement plan for the local network.  The Major Projects Officer also reported that condition (8) in the previous report dealt with surface water and foul drainage and Southern Water Services had their own separate legislation to ensure the sewage infrastructure was sufficient at the site, rather than it being a reserved matters issue.


Resolved:  That application 14/5000561 be approved subject to conditions (1) to (24) in the report and the signing of a suitably worded Section 106 Agreement.

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