Agenda item

Motion - Area Committees

This Council agrees:

1) that Swale KALC be asked on an annual basis to nominate two Parish Representative Members to sit on each of the four Area Committees, with the condition that those representative members are members of a Parish or Town Council within the relevant Area Committee geography
2) that properly nominated Parish Representative Members of the Area Committees, with one exception detailed below, be full members of the Area Committee, enjoying the same rights to debate, propose and vote for recommendations made by the Area Committee to Swale’s Cabinet
3) that Parish Representative Members of the Area Committees not be permitted to vote on spending decision made under delegated powers by the Area Committee
4) that officers be tasked with drafting the necessary changes to the Constitution to allow recommendations 1 to 3 above.

Proposed by Cllr Mike Whiting
Seconded by Cllr Alan Horton


Prior to Councillor Whiting proposing the motion, Councillor Richard Palmer, referring to Part 4.1, paragraph 15 in the Council Procedure Rules raised a point of order that the motion be referred to the Policy Development Review Committee (PDRC) without debate.  He explained that the subject of Area Committees had previously been discussed at PDRC and Full Council. In the discussion that followed, the Monitoring Officer said that, in this case PDRC might not be appropriate, the proposer considered it should be discussed and in his view it was reasonable that Council debated the motion.  He added that the substantive motion should be proposed and seconded prior to any voting on Councillor Palmer’s point.  Councillor Palmer clarified that PDRC had looked at this matter previously and the motion could rescind a recent decision.


Councillor Mike Whiting then proposed an alteration to the motion as set out on the Agenda with changes at paragraphs 2 and 4:


(2) That properly nominated Parish Representatives of the Area Committees, with the one exception detailed in (3) below, enjoy the same rights as Borough Members to debate, propose and vote for recommendations made by the Area Committees to Swale’s Cabinet.


(4)  That Officers be instructed with drafting the necessary changes to the Constitution to allow recommendations 1 to 3 above and to present their report to the General Purposes Committee in accordance with the Constitution.


On being put to the vote Members agreed to allow the alteration.


In proposing the altered motion, Councillor Whiting said that whilst he was still sceptical of Area Committees, in order for them to be successful, Parish and Town Council formal involvement was vital.  He referred to the letter sent by the Cabinet Member for Planning to all Parish and Town Councils to increase their participation at the Area Committees and was critical that all Members were not informed of the letter in advance. Councillor Whiting compared the formal role that Parish and Town Councils had at the Swale Joint Transportation Board meetings and he read out representations from Parish Councils that wished to propose, speak and vote at Area Committee meetings.   He criticised the current administration and said they preferred to limit the role of Parish and Town Councils in the Area Committees, and concluded by saying that better informed debates led to better informed actions.


The Cabinet Member for Planning said that Councillor Whiting was mis-informed, and every Parish and Town Council had been asked to raise a delegate to sit on their relevant Area Committee.


In seconding the altered motion, Councillor Alan Horton said that the purpose of the motion was to seek Council’s support for the work required to make the necessary changes to Area Committees.  He discussed the process the forming of Area Committees had taken, and their function, and drew attention that there was no specific provision within the Constitution for the third tier of Local Government, whilst highlighting the high number of parished areas in Swale.


In accordance with Part 4.1 (15) of the Procedure Rules, Councillor Richard Palmer proposed that:


This motion be referred to the Policy Development Review Committee to consider and report back to Full Council.


This was seconded by Councillor Monique Bonney.


On being put to the vote, Members agreed.




That the following amended motion be referred to the Policy Development Review Committee and be reported back to Full Council:


1)          That the Swale Kent Association of Local Councils be asked on an annual basis to nominate two Parish Representative Members to sit on each of the four Area Committees, with the condition that those representative members are members of a Parish or Town Council within the relevant Area Committee geography.


2)          That properly nominated Parish Representatives of the Area Committees, with the one exception detailed in (3) below, enjoy the same rights as Borough Members to debate propose and vote for recommendations made by the Area Committees to Swale’s Cabinet.


3)          That Parish Representative Members of the Area Committees not be permitted to vote on spending decisions made under delegated powers by the Area Committee.


4)          That Officers be instructed with drafting the necessary changes to the Constitution to allow recommendations 1 to 3 above and to present their report to the General Purposes Committee in accordance with the Constitution.