Agenda item



PRESENT:  Councillors Tim Gibson (Chairman), Cameron Beart, Monique Bonney, Simon Clark, Mike Dendor, James Hall, Carole Jackson,  Ben J Martin, David Simmons, Paul Stephen, Tim Valentine and Tony Winckless.


OFFICERS PRESENT:  Sharon Dormedy, Andrew Jeffers and Andrew Spiers.    


APOLOGIES: CouncillorsJames Hunt and Benjamin A Martin.


The Chairman welcomed the Applicants and members of the public to the meeting.


The Planner introduced the report which was a reserved matters application for the detailed layout and design of a community hall.  Outline approval had already been granted.  He advised the site was situated in a field with some residential dwellings separated by a small field to the south, to the east across the road were some residential dwellings and open fields to the west.  He advised the community hall was a single storey contemporary design and appearance with a footprint of 20.5m x 12.8 m.  The roof height would be 3.6m.


The building would be situated 6.3 m from the neighbouring Pawley Farm and include a 5m buffer zone along the boundary with Pawley Farm.   A parking area with two electrical vehicle parking points, cycle parking, ground source heat pumps and rainwater harvesting were also included.


The Planner reported that the Faversham Society and West Faversham Community Association supported the application. 


The Planner further reported that 26 letters/emails of support and 4 objections to the application had been received.  In summary, the application was acceptable to all parties depending on positioning of the community hall on-site.


A Ward Member apologised for the delay in reviewing the application due to the Covid-19 situation.  Parish Councils did not oppose the Village Hall and would like Members of this Committee to take the opportunity to consider the location of the hall on the site and to reach the best outcome for the residents of the adjoining property.


An objector speaking on behalf of the neighbouring property advised that the owners had lived in the property for 50 years and how during that time had supported and been members of many community projects and organisations.  They were fully supportive in principle to the village hall being built but objected to the positioning of the proposed hall within the site, which was close to their property.  The objector requested the Committee considered the location of the village hall to give minimum impact to the residents of the adjoining property.


An objector raised concern regarding the proximity of the car park to the bedrooms of the neighbouring property and the noise pollution created by the car park during the opening hours of the village hall.


The Applicant’s designer advised the location of the hall had been fully assessed at the design stage and was based on findings.  Full consultation had taken place with the Planning Department and the location had been amended following comments from neighbouring residents.  A buffer zone in excess of 6m was planned.  All activities would take place at the furthest distance away from the adjoining property.


A representative of Painters Forstal Community Association (PFCA) commented the proposal had a high level of support from the local community and organisations, creating a multi-functional building for the future community.  He outlined the funding already in place and expressed concern about delaying the project further and the implications that this delay could have on future funding and the completion of the project.  Detailed analysis had been supplied on the location of the hall, which was in the optimum location for the community needs.


A representative of the Applicant drew attention to the site which had been roped-off to show the proposed position of the hall and the buffer zone.  A mast was also available to show the 3.8m total ridge height of the proposed building.


In response to a Member’s question, the Applicant’s designer advised that a mixed 5ft to 6 ft high shrub and tree hedge would be planted for privacy.


In response to a question from a member of the public, the Applicant’s designer advised that low growing shrubs would be planted to control hedge growth.


In response to questions from the public, a representative of PFCA advised all options for usage of the open space, hall, and wildlife/memorial garden had been considered and the applicants believed the proposal was the best solution to meet the community needs and deliver the project in its entirety. 


He advised locating the car park to another area would impact on the usability of the remaining open space for activities.  There was no other suitable position for the wildlife/memorial garden, as the proposed area was the only position on the site which contained wildlife and had an existing natural hedge.


In response to a question from a Member, the Applicant’s designer advised moving the car park to a remote location would impact on the access to the hall and require the overflow car park to be positioned adjacent to the neighbouring property. The emergency services access would also be difficult.


Members viewed the application site with officers.