Agenda item

Leader's Statement

Members may ask questions on the Leader’s Statement. 


The Leader introduced his statement and welcomed questions from Members.  The following sets out a summary of the questions and answers.


The Scrutiny Committee undertook a comprehensive review of mental health in Swale and made a recommendation for a costed model of supported housing which the Cabinet did not agree but undertook to raise with appropriate partners; did the Leader raise this at the Swale Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB)?


The Leader’s Statement does not mention the dire situation at Medway Hospital and the recent Quality Care Commission (QCC) statement that Accident and Emergency waiting times at Medway Hospital are the worst in the country; what action is the Leader taking to tackle the problem at Medway Hospital?


The Leader advised that his October statement had referred to Medway Hospital and the QCC findings had not been announced when he produced this statement.  The latest update from the NHS Health Trust was due to be reported to Kent County Council’s Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee on Friday, and he would return to this in the near future.  He advised that officers, the Cabinet Member for Health and Community Safety, and himself were in regular contact with health partners; and the issue of mental health and housing provision was being reviewed by the Swale HWB.


In future could the Leader provide more clarity within his health update on whether he is referring to East Kent or West Kent, or both, as Faversham does not fall within the same Clinical Commissioning Group as Sittingbourne and Sheppey?


The Leader advised that the October statement had an update on both Trusts, but as mental health was a cross-cutting issue the comments in this statement applied equally across the Borough. 


The Leader’s statement never referred to regeneration in Sheerness.  Money had been made on land sales in Sheerness but the residents had not seen any benefits from this; could the Leader provide an update on what is happening for Sheerness residents?


The Leader referred to recent and ongoing regeneration projects on the Isle of Sheppey and advised that regeneration opportunities would be considered as they arise and not on an ad hoc basis.


Has a cinema operator been chosen as part of the Sittingbourne Town Centre regeneration plans?


With regard to the reduction in long stay parking provision in Sittingbourne Town Centre, has the Council approached Network Rail to discuss options for additional parking for commuters?


The Leader confirmed that representatives from Network Rail attended the Sittingbourne Town Centre Group and car parking provision was part of those discussions.  He explained that three cinema operators had expressed an interest in the cinema but it was common practice that an operator would not sign-up until planning permission had been agreed.


From my experience other Councils who have been through major regeneration projects have been very good at keeping Members informed, but there appears to be no analysis of the cost benefits to this Council and no understanding of what the Council is receiving in return.  Would the Leader provide an update on the proposals and cost benefits which could be positively communicated to residents?


The Leader advised that regular briefing sessions were held with Group spokespersons and he was happy to arrange a briefing for Members, although he raised concern that these had not always been well attended previously.


Would the Leader agree with the national UKIP Leader that the country is better off with a private healthcare system?


The Leader disagreed with these comments.

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