Agenda item

Deferred Item - SW/14/0399 - Old Sittingbourne Mill and Wharf, Sittingbourne (Morrisons)

To consider the following application:


SW/ 14/0399 - Old Sittingbourne Mill and Wharf (Morrisons)


Members of the public are advised to confirm with Planning Services prior to the meeting that the application will be considered at this meeting.


Requests to speak on this item must be registered with Democratic Services ( or call us on 01795 417328) by noon on Wednesday 29 October 2014.



The Major Projects Officer referred to paragraphs 9.05 and 9.09.  He explained that the affordable housing percentage figures had been amended to reflect the change in the mix of tenures, to affordable rent and intermediate.  This resulted in five affordable housing dwellings being proposed, which was 3.33% of the total, not 7.5% as set out in the report.


A Ward Member considered that the linear park (paragraph 9.08) must be completed before the housing commenced.


Another Ward Member, also a member of the Planning Committee, raised the following points:  the situation had been going on for two years now, there needed  to be a resolution; there were problems with dust/litter and flooding; the revised Section 106 agreement paid little heed to the local residents; SBC had reputation for being a ‘soft touch’ in terms of negotiation on affordable housing figures; and accepted some of the developer contributions being offered in paragraph 9.03, but not all of it.


Councillor Ghlin Whelan moved a motion that the suggested phasing should not be accepted; tree planting and green spaces should be at the top of the list, landscaping should commence in the early phase, i.e. before the occupation of the housing, to allow buffer zone to get established; car parking plan should be implemented before the housing phase commenced; accept education phased payments; the heritage centre should be a commitment from the start as it was an integral part of the original application; accept the 7.5% affordable housing, the 70/30 split on affordable housing/shared ownership, the monitoring fee, and the payment offer for wheelie bins; and delivery of the linear park should not be delayed.  This was seconded by Councillor Andy Booth.


In response to a question regarding the phasing, the Major Projects Officer considered the offer from the developer was reasonable, and it had been endorsed by the Council’s viability consultant.  Further alterations would have implications on costs and viability.  With regard to the linear park being implemented prior to the housing, he explained that there was a condition which addressed this already.  He advised that it was not possible to materially alter some of the other aspects set out in the report.


Members made the following comments:  we owe it to residents to get this resolved; this needs to be revised; appalled by reduction in provision of affordable housing, difficult to believe that developer could not provide more; land needs to be developed as soon as possible; earlier provision of the car park management plan would not make a difference to costs; and provision of the linear park was critical.


In response to a question, the Major Projects Officer advised that the reduction in profit margin from 20% to 15% for the developer was on the gross development value, i.e. the sales margin, rather that on capital returns.  He advised that the car park management plan phasing could be looked into further.  In response to a question, the Major Projects Officer advised that an earlier challenge had not been made to the Section 106 agreement as Morrisons had had no reason to challenge it as a good package of provisions had been secured.


Councillor Mike Henderson moved a motion for deferral to allow the developers, Ward Members, Chairman of Planning Committee, Planning Spokespeople and officers to meet to discuss the developer contributions face-to-face.  The motion was accepted by the original proposer and the original seconder.  On being put to the vote, the motion was agreed.


Resolved:  That application SW/14/0399 be deferred to allow the developers, Ward Members, Chairman of Planning Committee, Planning Spokespeople and officers to meet to discuss the developer contributions face-to-face.


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