Agenda item

Planning Working Group

To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 5 September 2019 (Minute Nos. to follow).


To consider application 16/503950/FULL,Orchard View, Otterham Quay Lane, Upchurch, nr Sittingbourne, Kent, ME8 8QR.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 5 September 2019 (Minute Nos. 196 - 197) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


16/503950/FULL,Orchard View, Otterham Quay Lane, Upchurch, Nr Sittingbourne,  ME8 8QR


The Area Planning Officer responded to some questions that had been raised by Members at the site meeting.  He explained that the Agent had provided evidence of the applicant’s gypsy and traveller status, but had declined to provide any further information, and had referred to the residents of the existing caravans already benefitting from planning permission.  The Area Planning Officer added that the application was for the provision of two additional caravans, and not to determine the status of the existing residents.  In response to a further question raised at the site meeting, the Area Planning Officer explained that there was a requirement for the caravans to be six metres away from the utility building, particularly any part of it that was flammable.  In this case, there was some panelling, and this would need to be removed or replaced by brickwork.  Touring caravans needed to be at least one metre apart if they were being stored, and if occupied at least six metres apart.   The Area Planning Officer referred to Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (PPTS), paragraph 13.8, raised at the site meeting, and which set out the aim to promote co-existence between the settled and travelling community.  He explained that allegations raised at the site meeting were not planning considerations.


The Chairman invited Members to ask questions.


A Member acknowledged the distance of 6 metres between caravans, but questioned whether they were six metres away from caravans in the site next door.  The Area Planning Officer explained that this was a licensing matter, and if Members were concerned that a suitable layout could not be achieved, the application could be bought back to the Committee.  He added that condition (4) in the Committee report (15 August 2019) restricted the layout of the site.  He re-iterated that in terms of the relationship with the caravans on the adjacent site, this was a licensing requirement, not a Planning regulation.


A Member asked how many vehicles were permitted on the site?  The Area Planning Officer explained that there was no upper limit on numbers, but there was a restriction on the size of the vehicle, as referred to in condition (3) of the report, and the limit was 3.5 tonnes.  The Member asked whether the number of vehicles could be restricted as it was a narrow site.  The Area Planning Officer explained that it was unusual to restrict the number of vehicles on a site and this would be difficult to enforce in any case.  If there was a material change in the number of vehicles and therefore a change of use, then enforcement action would be taken.


The Chairman moved the officer recommendation to approve the application and this was seconded by Councillor Ben J Martin.


Councillor Cameron Beart moved the following amendment:  That if the application was approved, officers be given delegated authority to liaise with licensing as to whether the layout could be achieved, and if not, the application to come back to the Planning Committee.  This was seconded by Councillor Monique Bonney.


Members were invited to debate the application, with the above amendment and they raised points which included:


·         Concerned with the traffic linked to the site;

·         this was a narrow site and there had been a fire here in the past;

·         there was already a permission on the site, this was not much different to what was already there; and

·         concerned with community cohesion.


On being put to the vote the amendment and substantive motion were agreed.


Resolved:  That application 16/503950/FULL be delegated to officers to approve subject to officers liaising with licensing as to whether the layout could be achieved, and if not, the application to come back to the Planning Committee, and to conditions (1) to (4) in the report.