Agenda item

Motion submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 15

A.  Proposed by Councillor Nicholas Hampshire and Seconded by Councillor Simon Fowle.


This festive season, we the undersigned, call upon this Council to introduce free parking in all short-stay Council owned car parks on the following days:


·        Friday 29 November 2019

·        Saturday 30 November 2019

·        Sunday 1 December 2019

·        Friday 6 December 2019

·        Saturday 7 December 2019

·        Sunday 8 December 2019

·        Friday 13 December 2019

·        Saturday 14 December 2019

·        Sunday 15 December 2019

·        Friday 20 December 2019

·        Saturday 21 December 2019

·        Sunday 22 December 2019

·        Friday 27 December 2019

·        Saturday 28 December 2019

·        Sunday 29 December 2019


Additionally, we call upon the Council to provide a free shuttle bus service between our major towns of Sheerness, Sittingbourne and Faversham on Small Business Saturday (30 November 2019).


B.  Proposed by Councillor Alan Horton and Seconded by Councillor James Hunt.


This Council following the change in administration, confirm our position as a White Ribbon Borough, renewing our commitment to the ‘Pledge’ namely to;


Never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women

We do so in the clear understanding that in this context, violence includes any gender-based act that results in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women.


We pledge to continue to provide support for White Ribbon Initiatives and to provide the administrative and support role to White Ribbon Ambassadors in the same way we did in the financial year before the 2019 election.


We recognise the value of White Ribbon Ambassadors across the Private, Public and Voluntary Sectors and will continue to seek opportunities to recruit more and encourage local leaders, including ward councillors and Cabinet members to publicly take the ‘Pledge’ and speak out on this important topic.


The Mayor advised that two motions had been submitted:


Motion A – Free Car Parking


Councillor Nicholas Hampshire proposed the following motion:


“This festive season, we the undersigned, call upon this Council to introduce free parking in all short-stay Council owned car parks on the following days:

• Friday 29 November 2019

• Saturday 30 November 2019

• Sunday 1 December 2019

• Friday 6 December 2019

• Saturday 7 December 2019

• Sunday 8 December 2019

• Friday 13 December 2019

• Saturday 14 December 2019

• Sunday 15 December 2019

• Friday 20 December 2019

• Saturday 21 December 2019

• Sunday 22 December 2019

• Friday 27 December 2019

• Saturday 28 December 2019

• Sunday 29 December 2019


Additionally, we call upon the Council to provide a free shuttle bus service between our major towns of Sheerness, Sittingbourne and Faversham on

Small Business Saturday (30 November 2019).”


In proposing the motion, he encouraged Members to support it to help money to be spent locally for the benefit of local businesses and market traders.


Councillor Simon Fowle seconded the motion and reserved his right to speak.


The Leader spoke in support of the principle of the motion, however, advised that it was too prescriptive and would have serious financial implications on the revenue budget.  There was no mention of how it would be funded. 


The Leader of the Conservative Group acknowledged the point made that the Cabinet would be looking at this in the future, but at the time the motion had been submitted the next Council meeting was scheduled for October.


Discussion ensued on the motion on the following points:

·         The need to consider timing;

·         A suggestion to include free parking on Remembrance Sunday;

·         That there was no evidence that free parking increased footfall;

·         The potential for commuters to benefit from free parking on Fridays;

·         The need to consider financial implications;

·         An analysis of the scheme provided previously, which had been well received by residents, showed no evidence of increased footfall and benefits to traders; those who took advantage of the scheme were going to visit the town anyway;

·         Costs had been looked at from the last scheme, which equated to £63 per person for park and ride, and £35 per person who used the shuttle bus; and

·         The need to support people who did not have a car and consider more imaginative ways of encouraging additional trade, such as by late night opening.


Councillor Elliott Jayes proposed an amendment to add the word ‘consider’ to the motion so that it was not so prescriptive.  This was seconded by Councillor Bill Tatton.


Further discussion ensued on the amendment, which centred on the following themes:

·         The need to discuss ideas with retailers and consider other forms of transport, such as the train;

·         That the amendment would make the motion less prescriptive, but financial implications needed to be considered;

·         Whether the amendment negated the original motion and whether the decision was for the Council or Cabinet to make; and

·         Additional information was needed regarding the definition of short stay.


At this point in the meeting, the proposer and seconder of the amendment agreed to a further change to make it clear that it was for the Cabinet to consider and not the Council.


The mover of the original motion was invited to speak on the amendment; Councillor Nicholas Hampshire advised that he could not support the amendment.


The Monitoring Officer read out the amendment proposed, before the Mayor put the amendment to the vote, which was agreed.


The substantive motion was then put to the vote, which was agreed.




(1) This festive season, we the undersigned, call upon the Cabinet to

consider introducing free parking in all short-stay Council owned car parks on the

following days:

• Friday 29 November 2019

• Saturday 30 November 2019

• Sunday 1 December 2019

• Friday 6 December 2019

• Saturday 7 December 2019

• Sunday 8 December 2019

• Friday 13 December 2019

• Saturday 14 December 2019

• Sunday 15 December 2019

• Friday 20 December 2019

• Saturday 21 December 2019

• Sunday 22 December 2019

• Friday 27 December 2019

• Saturday 28 December 2019

• Sunday 29 December 2019


Additionally, we call upon the Cabinet to consider providing a free shuttle bus service between our major towns of Sheerness, Sittingbourne and Faversham on Small Business Saturday (30 November 2019).


Motion B – White Ribbon


Councillor Alan Horton proposed the following motion:


“This Council following the change in administration, confirm our position as a White Ribbon Borough, renewing our commitment to the ‘Pledge’ namely to;


Never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women

We do so in the clear understanding that in this context, violence includes any gender-based act that results in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women.


We pledge to continue to provide support for White Ribbon Initiatives and to provide the administrative and support role to White Ribbon Ambassadors in the same way we did in the financial year before the 2019 election.


We recognise the value of White Ribbon Ambassadors across the Private, Public and Voluntary Sectors and will continue to seek opportunities to recruit more and encourage local leaders, including Ward Councillors and Cabinet Members to publicly take the ‘Pledge’ and speak out on this important topic.”


In proposing the motion, Councillor Alan Horton outlined the White Ribbon Campaign which focussed on eliminating male violence against women.  He gave the history and background to the campaign, and how in 2018 Swale had become the first accredited local authority.  He spoke about the White Ribbon Mission and global movement, and encouraged Members to become ambassadors to call out against abusive behaviour and to promote a culture of respect.


This was seconded by Councillor James Hunt, who spoke in support of the White Ribbon campaign and gave statistics on domestic violence and sexual abuse.  He spoke about White Ribbon Day on 25 November 2019 which promoted 16 days of action and encouraged Members to support the motion.


The Leader spoke in support of the Campaign, advising that reports in domestic violence increased year-on-year, and considered that more should be done to help those organisations/agencies who supported the victims, such as SATEDA.  He questioned the link with poverty, inequality, isolation, impact of austerity, the tensions of modern life, and changes in social values etc.


A debate ensued, during which the following comments were made:

·         That Members could sign up to the White Ribbon Campaign this evening and donate if they wished to;

·         That violence was not just physical but included mental and emotional violence, and the need to speak out against this; and

·         That Members could choose to donate from their Member Grant fund towards organisations who supported the victims of violence.


In summing up, the Leader of the Conservative Group spoke in support of the motion and encouraged Members to vote to support the campaign.



(1) That this Council following the change in administration, confirm our position as a White Ribbon Borough, renewing our commitment to the ‘Pledge’ namely to;


Never commit, excuse or remain silent about male violence against women

We do so in the clear understanding that in this context, violence includes any gender-based act that results in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women.


We pledge to continue to provide support for White Ribbon Initiatives and to provide the administrative and support role to White Ribbon Ambassadors in the same way we did in the financial year before the 2019 election.


We recognise the value of White Ribbon Ambassadors across the Private, Public and Voluntary Sectors and will continue to seek opportunities to recruit more and encourage local leaders, including ward councillors and Cabinet members to publicly take the ‘Pledge’ and speak out on this important topic.