Agenda item

Presentation to Honorary Aldermen and Honorary Alderwomen

In accordance with Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, a resolution must be passed by not less than a two-thirds majority of the Members voting. The Council are accordingly requested to pass the following resolution:


"That this Council in pursuance of Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, do confer upon George Bobbin, Andy Booth, Andrew Bowles, Derek Conway, Mike Cosgrove, Adrian Crowther, Duncan Dewar-Whalley, Sue Gent, Mike Henderson, Gerry Lewin, Bryan Mulhern, Colin Prescott, Ben Stokes, Anita Walker and John Wright the title of Honorary Alderman and Honorary Alderwoman in recognition of the valuable service given to the Council by those Members as past Members of the Council":


The past Members will be called forward to be presented with their plaque and scrolls.


Councillor David Simmons proposed and Councillor Horton seconded that the following past Members be awarded the title of Honorary Alderman or Honorary Alderwoman. In proposing and seconding, they gave a short speech in support:


George Bobbin, Andrew Booth, Andrew Bowles, Derek Conway, Michael Cosgrove, Adrian Crowther, Duncan Dewar-Whalley, Susan Gent, Michael Henderson, Gerry Lewin, Bryan Mulhern, Colin Prescott, Ben Stokes, Anita Walker and John Wright.


Upon being put to the vote and agreed unanimously, the retiring Mayor presented each Honorary Alderman and Alderwoman in attendance with a scroll and plaque to reflect this honour.


Mr George Bobbin


Mr George Bobbin thanked the retiring Mayor.


Mr Derek Conway


Mr Derek Conway thanked the retiring Mayor and congratulated the incoming Mayor and newly-elected Members.


Mr Mike Cosgrove


Mr Mike Cosgrove thanked all Officers, past and present Members, former Leader Mr Andrew Bowles, and all Cabinet and Deputy Cabinet Members.  He paid tribute to Sir Roger Moate who recently passed away and sent his prayers and good wishes to Chief Executive, Mark Radford, who was undergoing treatment in hospital.


Mr Adrian Crowther


Mr Adrian Crowther gave thanks and spoke of the unity of people working together in Swale.


Mr Duncan Dewar-Whalley


Mr Duncan Dewar-Whalley thanked all Members and staff and gave particular thanks and praise to the Democratic Services Team for their hard work and assistance.  He spoke positively of the advice and relationships he had formed with all Councillors. 


The retiring Mayor presented Mrs Mavis Dewar-Whalley with flowers and a card, and guests sang Happy Birthday, to commemorate her 80th Birthday.


Mrs Sue Gent


Mrs Gent thanked Officers and gave her support to the Ward Members now covering Kemsley Ward.


Mr Gerry Lewin


Mr Gerry Lewin gave a history of his time in office.  He gave good wishes to the new Conservative Group Leader, Councillor Alan Horton and advised that he would still be active in Upchurch matters.  He thanked all staff, particularly those in Planning Services who had signed a retirement card for him. He thanked his political colleagues, giving particular thanks to former Leader Mr Andrew Bowles.  Finally, he thanked his late wife and his family for their support and understanding during his 28 years in office.  He said he accepted the Honorary Alderman title with pride.


Mrs Anita Walker


Mrs Anita Walker thanked the Abbey Ward residents who had voted for her, and staff at Swale Borough Council for their hard work and assistance.  She gave particular praise to the Chief Executive Mark Radford.  She spoke fondly of her time as Mayor in 2015/16 and her disappointment in not being selected as the Conservative candidate in the recent election.  She spoke of her newly-formed friendships with colleagues in opposing political groups.


Mr John Wright


Mr John Wright spoke fondly of his 17 years as a Councillor and how quickly the time had passed.  He spoke of the changes and successes over the years and the financial reserves that had built up in that time.  He thanked staff and gave particular thanks to Gerry Lewin who had encouraged him to stand as a Councillor.




(1)  That this Council in pursuance of Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended, confer upon Mr George Bobbin, Mr Andrew Booth, Mr Andrew Bowles, Mr Derek Conway, Mr Michael Cosgrove, Mr Adrian Crowther, Mr Duncan Dewar-Whalley, Mrs Susan Gent, Mr Michael Henderson, Mr Gerry Lewin, Mr Bryan Mulhern, Mr Colin Prescott, Mr Ben Stokes, Mrs Anita Walker and Mr John Wright the title of Honorary Alderman or Honorary Alderwoman, in recognition of the valuable service given to the Council by their services as a past Member.