Agenda item

2.4 18/504824/FULL 16 Hawthorn Road, Sittingbourne, ME10 1BB

10am – (2.4) 18/504824/FULL 16 Hawthorn Road, Sittingbourne, ME10 1BB

11.30am – (2.2) 18/504307/FULL Land rear of 343 Minster Road, Minster, ME12 3NR

12.00pm – (2.3) 18/503678/FULL 344 Minster Road, Minster, ME12 3PE.



PRESENT:  Councillors Cameron Beart (Chairman), Richard Darby, Mike Dendor, James Hall and Ghlin Whelan.


OFFICERS PRESENT:   Philippa Davies, Megan Harris and Ross McCardle.


APOLOGIES: Councillors Andy Booth, James Hunt, Ken Ingleton, Bryan Mulhern and Prescott.


The Chairman welcomed the Applicant, the Applicant’s Agent, and members of the public to the meeting.


The Senior Planner introduced the application which sought planning permission for the change of use of part of the shop to provide a one-bedroom flat.  There would be minimal external works, which would include the installation of windows to the rear elevation.  A new wall would be installed within the building to separate the flat from the shop.  The flat would be set out with one bedroom, an ensuite and a small kitchen/lounge.  Access to the new flat would be from within the shop or from Arthur Street, via an existing side entrance.


The Senior Planner reported that five letters of objection had been received, raising issues as set out in the report.  He explained that the building was within the built-up area, there were minimal external works, and the application was very different to the 2015 application, which had been refused.  The Senior Planner re-iterated that this application did not seek to extend the building.  He referred to overlooking issues which had been raised, but considered that this would not be an issue as the application was at ground floor level, and there was a two metre high fence bordering the site.


The Senior Planner reported that Kent County Council (KCC) Highways and Transportation raised no objection to the application.  Parking for the property was to the front of the building, which was already being used by the applicant who was going to occupy the flat.  He acknowledged the loss of part of the floor space of the shop, but considered this did not justify reasons for refusal.


The Applicant outlined the application and stated that there would be minimal alterations to the exterior, and that the size of the shop had become less viable, following the increase in retail competitors nearby.


The Applicant’s Agent sought clarification on why the application had been deferred for the Planning Working Group to consider.  The Chairman explained the process that had taken place at the Planning Committee on 6 December 2018, and that Planning Working Groups could be held for both minor and major applications.


Local residents raised the following points:


·        No objection to the change of use;

·        did not want to lose the railings or the parking space near the railings;

·        overlooking from the side access to opposite properties;

·        clarification was needed on the size of the proposed windows;

·        the side access walkway was very narrow and slippery, and the overflow dripped all the time;

·        assess to the property was not suitable;

·        there were anti-social behaviour problems at this location; and

·        issue with increased number of wheellie bins to the front of the property.


The Ward Member raised issues with the size of the habitable living space, anti-social behaviour, the status of the railings to the side of the property, the application added to the over-development of the surrounding area, and parking pressure was getting worse, and this development would not help.


The Senior Planner agreed to get responses to the size of the proposed windows, and information on the status of the railings to the side of the property, including who installed them, in time for the Planning Committee meeting on 10 January 2019.


Members viewed the application site, both inside and out, with officers.