Agenda item

Planning Working Group

To approve the Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 September 2018 (Minute Nos. to follow).


To consider applications:


(2.4) 18/500283/FULL Land adjacent to Sheppey Academy East, Admirals Walk, Halfway, Sheerness, Kent, ME12 3JQ


(3.1) 18/502643/FULL – 3 Chetney View, Iwade, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8SQ


Tabled papers for item 2.4 uploaded 17 September 2018.


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 3 September 2018 (Minute Nos. 184 – 187) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.


18/500283/FULL Land Adjacent to Sheppey Academy East, Admirals Walk, Halfway, ME12 3JQ


The Planner drew attention to the tabled papers, which had previously been emailed to Members and included: a response about boundary treatments from the applicant’s agent; responses to various issues and queries raised; and an update from Kent County Council (KCC) Highways and Transportation.


The Planner stated that delegated authority was sought to approve the application subject to no objection from KCC Ecology, condition (2) being amended to refer to the new landscaping drawing, amending condition (12) to the standard foul and surface water drainage condition, and further conditions as set out in the report and the signing of a suitably worded Section 106 Agreement. 


The Chairman moved the officer recommendation to approve the application and this was seconded by the Vice-Chairman.


Ward Members spoke against the application and raised points which included: disappointment that only four Members had attended the site meeting which had been heavily attended by local residents; concerns about the distance between the development and properties in Admirals Walk had not been addressed; KCC Highways and Transportation mentioned an established access on the site, but that did not mean it was to a standard that was suitable for further houses to be built; KCC Highways and Transportation referred to gritter lorries being able to use the road, but the minutes from a Swale Joint Transportation Board meeting stated that that route had been removed, so it was not a gritting route; accept trees on the site might not be to a standard to warrant tree preservation orders but as pointed out at the site meeting, come winter they would have no leaves which would lead to overlooking; the houses would be seen from Minster Road; concerns about the reduction in Section 106 monies, and consider that if the developers could not afford this money perhaps they should not be considering developing the site at all; disagreed with KCC Highways and Transportation, as the Barton’s Hill roundabout would not be able to ease all of the congestion in the area; and the proposed properties were tightly spaced.


Members considered the application and raised the following points: the site visit was very useful as the map did not convey the impact the proposal would have; one proposed property was particularly close to existing properties and would cause serious overlooking; bungalows would be much better suited to the area; the road in Admirals Walk needed to be repaired and updated to a higher standard before any development could be considered; concerned that allowing the developer to reduce Section 106 monies would set a precedent; there was not enough space for vehicles to turn in Admirals Walk; and did not agree that overlooking and distance between houses was an issue as distances proposed were well above what they needed to be.


In response to a query the Planner confirmed the distance between the existing dwelling on the southern side of Admirals Walk and the closest proposed dwelling to be four metres.  The Planner also confirmed that this proposed property was two storey in height with a single storey car port.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 19(2) a recorded vote was taken on the motion to approve the application as follows:


For: Councillors Mike Dendor, Nicholas Hampshire, Mike Henderson, James Hunt, Bowles, Bryan Mulhern, Roger Clark and Ghlin Whelan (8)


Against: Councillors Mike Baldock, Cameron Beart, Bobbin, Richard Darby, James Hall and Peter Marchington (6)


Abstain: Councillors Andy Booth and Roger Truelove (2)


Resolved:  That application 18/500283/FULL be delegated to officers to approve subject to conditions (1) to (25) in the report, to no objection being raised by KCC Ecology, condition (2) being amended to refer to the new landscaping drawing, amending condition (12) to the standard foul and surface water drainage condition, and the signing of a suitably worded Section 106 Agreement.  


18/502643/FULL 3 Chetney View, Iwade, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME9 8SQ


The Area Planning Officer reported that a letter of support had been received which he outlined for Members.


The Chairman moved the officer recommendation to refuse the application and this was seconded by the Vice-Chairman.


Members raised points which included: would support if a condition to provide a hedge and ensure it was maintained was imposed; could not see an issue with bringing the wall out; and needed to ensure a clear and strong condition was imposed to ensure that any planting would be provided and maintained at the right height in perpetuity.


On being put to the vote the motion to refuse the application was lost.


Councillor Bryan Mulhern moved a motion to approve the application.  This was seconded by a Councillor.


The Area Planning Officer advised that the following conditions could be imposed: details of materials; standard landscaping, which could be amended to specify the type of landscaping, although these were not normally in perpetuity, but for 5 or 10 years.


A Member requested that a condition specifying native species and brick work like-for-like be imposed.


On being put to the vote the motion to approve the application with appropriate conditions was agreed.


Resolved:  That application 18/502643/FULL be approved subject to the imposition of suitable conditions as outlined above.


Supporting documents: