Agenda item

Deferred Item

To consider the following application:


17/500727/OUT – Manor Farm, Key Street, Sittingbourne


Members of the public are advised to confirm with Planning Services prior to the meeting that the applications will be considered at this meeting.


Requests to speak on these items must be registered with Democratic Services ( or call us on 01795 417328) by noon on Wednesday 15 August 2018.


Reports shown in previous Minutes as being deferred from that Meeting.





Outline application for residential development for up to 50 dwellings with access off Chestnut Street (All others matters reserved), as amended by drawings received 31/05/2017 and further amended by drawings received 9 November 2017

ADDRESS Manor Farm Key Street Sittingbourne Kent ME10 1YU 

WARD Borden And Grove Park


APPLICANT Balmoral Land (UK) Ltd



The Major Projects Officer drew attention to the tabled update.


The Chairman moved the officer recommendation to delegate approval of the application to officers and this was seconded.


Parish Councillor Clive Simms, representing Borden Parish Council, spoke against the application.


The Environmental Protection Team Leader advised that air quality levels in Swale were measured against Government standards in locations where traffic flows were highest, and Swale already monitored air quality more than any other authority in Kent.  He added that extra monitoring was taking place in and around the proposed site, but at least 12 months monitoring data would be needed before knowing what the levels were in this vicinity.  The Environmental Protection Team Leader drew attention that that the equipment used by Borden Parish Council in their air quality measuring was not certified and that the monitoring periods used were too short to be accurate and comparable with that carried out by the Council.


A Member congratulated Borden Parish Council for the work carried out on air quality monitoring and said that it was premature to make a decision on the application until the air quality data for the area of the proposed site was collected.  


In the debate that followed Members raised the following points:


·         Concern about vehicles parking along Chestnut Street, Borden affecting the sight lines to the entrance of the proposed development;

·         would the improvements to Key Street roundabout alter the layout and traffic flows?;

·         the full Air Quality report submitted by Borden Parish Council should have been considered;

·         the plans did not reflect the route of the footpath;

·         the Ecological survey was inadequate as there was a large badger sett and a colony of doormice on land in the vicinity of the application site;

·         an Archaeological survey was required

·         the site did not integrate in the urban area and the levels of affordable housing proposed should be increased to 30%, as it was for rural housing development;

·         proper screening of the site by mature trees should be provided;

·         suggested Section 106 payments for roadworks were sought in advance of the commencement of the development; and

·         concern about a possible appeal against the non-determination of the application and a possible costs application alongside the appeal.


The Principal Transport and Development Planner (Kent County Council – Highways and Transportation), advised that the proportion of the contribution sought from the development was more than had been sought from developments already granted and would be combined with the money from the Housing Infrastructure Fund bid.  The funding would allow for an interim mitigation scheme to be delivered which included the installation of traffic lights on the A249 off-slip. He added that when considering the contribution offered and traffic flows through the improved junction, the number of predicted vehicle movements from the site was de minimis. 


The Major Projects Officer explained that condition (22) in the report required drawings to show the relocation of Public Right of Way ZR117.  He referred to the KCC Ecological report which raised no objection and reminded Members that other legislation protected wildlife such as badgers and dormice, which were a protected species, if necessary.  The Major Projects Officer stated that the site was detailed in the Local Plan as an extension to Sittingbourne and 10% affordable housing was therefore appropriate.  He explained that the application would be difficult to defend at an appeal as all the expert consultees had no objections to the proposal.


Councillor Nicholas Hampshire moved a motion to defer the application for 12 months to allow for the air quality data currently being collected, to be considered and this was seconded by Councillor Mike Baldock.  On being put to the vote, the motion was agreed.


Resolved:  That application 17/500727/OUT be deferred for 12 months to allow the air quality monitoring in the area to be carried out and the data considered. 

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