Agenda item

Taxi Tariff -consultation results

For decision on the Taxi tariff and review period.


The Licensing Officer introduced the report which outlined the options available when setting the level of fares for licensed Hackney Carriages operating within Swale and sought Members’ preferred option and timescales for future tariff reviews.


The Licensing Officer explained that the three options proposed were decided by taking into account the rate of inflation as at 2.9 of the report, benchmarking with other Local Authorities as shown in Appendix VII and feedback from the meeting with the taxi trade on 24 April 2018.  He added that the options survey was presented to the taxi trade via Survey Monkey between 4 June 2018 to 22 June 2018 and there were 77 respondents.  The Licensing Officer highlighted the results at 5.3 on page 150 of the Agenda and drew attention that the most popular increase was the highest cost across a 2 mile journey at £7 which would result in Swale being the most expensive in Kent, along with Dartford and Tunbridge Wells.


In the debate that followed, Members raised the following points:


·         There had been fuel increases since the last tariff increases but there had been recent fuel cost reductions;

·         fuel prices were lower than when the last increase was set;

·         the taxi trade’s preferred option was fair.

·         the taxi trade’s preferred option was high in comparison to other areas; and

·         the taxi trade’s preferred option would make Swale the 8th highest level set in the country, up from 87th.


The Licensing Officer clarified that the level set was the maximum that could be charged and the tariff could be reduced in future if appropriate.  She reminded Members that there was an option to keep the tariff as it was.


There was a discussion around annual and two-yearly reviews of the taxi tariff.


On being put to the vote, Members agreed the following.




(1)    That the level of increase to the taxi tariff be set as detailed in Option 2, to increase the flat rate to £3.00, change the fall to £0.10 every 87 yards (80 metres) or uncompleted part thereof and amend the waiting time to £0.35 for every 1 minute or uncompleted part thereof equivalent to £6.80 for a 2 mile journey as in Appendix V.

(2)   That the Licensing Team be authorised to proceed with Option 2 and complete the tariff setting process in the minimum timeframe allowed by legislation.

(3)  That Members review the timescale for future taxi tariff reviews every 2 years.

Supporting documents: