Agenda item

Taxi Policy

To consider the revised Taxi Policy


The Licensing Officer introduced the report which provided Members with the consultation responses received on the draft Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy.


The Licensing Officer explained that the existing policy, adopted in 2016, was minimal and did not cover all eventualities and a more robust document was necessary.  He added that the draft Policy was developed in close liaison with drivers and operators, was then considered by the Policy Development and Review Committee who provided comments, before being put out to public consultation via emails, newsletters, newspapers and on the Council’s website, for 12 weeks from 18 January 2018 to 29 March 2018. 


The Licensing Officer advised that 8 responses had been received.  He explained that the overarching aim of the taxi and private hire licensing regime was to protect the public by providing a safe environment for those using the vehicles and for drivers to understand their responsibilities to the travelling public.


A Member expressed disappointment at the poor response to the consultation.  A discussion ensued and the Cabinet Member for Safer Families and Communities suggested that since drivers were involved in the year long process of putting the policy together, by the time of the consultation, they were happy with its content.


A Member referred to 3.3.3 Driving Experience on page 4 of the document and proposed that, rather than removing the requirement for a driver to have at least twelve months experience, a driver should have three months experience.  The proposal was not seconded.


In the discussion that followed, the Licensing Officer highlighted the setting up costs and lack of available drivers, and said the removal of the condition would encourage drivers to be more independent.  The Cabinet Member for Safer Families and Communities added that drivers working for an operator gained no more experience than working for themselves.


The Licensing Officer referred to the updated Appendix II, which set out the penalty points system and explained the proposed system of awarding penalty points on a sliding scale, giving a wider range of offences.


In response to a question from a Member on how inspections were made, the Licensing Officer advised that there were regular checks across taxi ranks across the Borough.  The Resilience and Licensing Manager added that there were now two permanent and two temporary staff carrying out scheduled weekly checks and officers also responded to complaints.


The Cabinet Member for Safer Families and Communities asked how the awarding of penalty points was managed?  In response, the Licensing Officer drew attention to the Regulators Code (2014) which ensured that licensing authorities acted in a manner that was proportionate, consistent, transparent and fair and advised that inspection sheets from visits were discussed within the team and the Resilience and Licensing Manager.  The Licensing Officer  added that drivers might be awarded different points for offences, dependent on their attitude and willingness to cooperate with the Authority.


A Member suggested that all Members should report offenders.


A Member highlighted the issue of taxis parking at bus stops and suggested that a Licensing Officer could carry out joint visits with a Parking Enforcement Officer.


At the suggestion of the Chairman, Members agreed that the word ‘maximum’ be removed from the headings of penalty points in the evaluation grid on the updated Appendix II.


On being put to the vote the recommendations were agreed.




(1)  That the draft policy document at Appendix I be updated prior to final approval.

(2)  That following the policy being updated, in accordance with recommendation (1), final approval be delegated to the Cabinet Member for Safer Families and Communities and the Chairman of General Licensing Committee without further need to report back to this Committee, with a commencement date of 1 May 2018.

(3)  That delegated authority be authorised for any future amendments to Appendices of the Statement of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy which are of a minor nature, to the Cabinet Member for Safer Families and Communities and the Chairman of Licensing Committee after consultation with the Resilience and Licencing Manager.

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