Agenda item

Planning Working Group


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 28 July 2014 (Minute Nos. 164 - 165) were taken as read, approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record, subject to the inclusion of Councillor Andy Booth’s apologies.




The Area Planning Officer advised that a Section 106 Agreement was required and he was waiting for ecological information from the Agent and then further advice from the Kent County Council (KCC) Ecology Team.  Comments were still awaited from Network Rail.


The Area Planning Officer reported that one further resident had written in, following the site meeting.  Issues that had been raised included:  the density of the development was too high, appropriate only for an urban area; single storey dwellings, not three-storey should be built here; the proposal should change so it did not destroy the quality of the village; light pollution; there would be additional traffic on Crouch Lane; the residents of Sondes Court should have been made aware of the application earlier; and a plan integrating the two developments should have been produced, rather than them being treated separately.


The Area Planning Officer advised that at the time of occupancy of Sondes Court, the proposed development at the Goods Yard had not been submitted.  He sought delegation to approve, subject to the signing of a suitably worded Section 106 Agreement, receipt of further ecological information and advice, with the possibility of further conditions, and comments from Network Rail.

The Chairman advised that the two public speakers were permitted to speak on this deferred application as they had not received notification in time to allow them to speak previously.


Councillor Martin Webb, representing Selling Parish Council, spoke against the proposal.


Mr Cook, the Agent, spoke in favour of the proposal.


A Ward Member spoke against the proposal.  He was pleased to see development on the site, but was opposed to the three-storey aspect and stated they were not in- keeping with the rural setting and he suggested the plans be amended.  He was also disappointed with there being no objections to the proposal from KCC Highways.


Members made comments which included: the three-storey dwellings were intrusive; too dense for this thin strip of land; query regarding how much soil would be taken away to lower the ground surface; three-storey was out-of-keeping, problem of over-looking; and re-do the plans without the three-storey aspect.


In response to a question, the Area Planning Officer confirmed that the site was not within a flood risk area.


Councillor Bowles moved a motion to defer the application for re-negotiations for the removal of the three-storey aspect of the development.  This was seconded by Councillor Bryan Mulhern who also asked for details of the levels.


The Area Planning Officer indicated on cross section plans the site levels of the proposed development in comparison to Sondes Court and other properties in the village.  He considered the three-storey dwelling was not particularly high in comparison.  He further advised that a condition in the report addressed ground levelling issues.


On being put to the vote, the motion for deferral was agreed.




(1)  That application SW/14/0367 be deferred to allow re-negotiation for the removal of the three-storey aspect of the development and clarification of intended ground levels.