Agenda item

Leader's Statement

Members may ask questions on the Leader’s Statement. 


Leader’s Statement added 19 March 2018


The Leader gave a verbal update on the Housing Infrastructure Fund Forward Funding Bid and the funding announced for a medical school in Canterbury, before answering questions on the Leader’s Statement.


Housing Infrastructure Fund Forward Funding Bid


The Leader advised that he was pleased to announce that the Housing Infrastructure Fund Forward Funding Bid had got through to the second round.  The £31m was for Grovehurst Junction improvements, £6m for Key Street junction improvements and £3m for feasibility and design work for the Northern Relief Road and possibly the Southern Relief Road.  Members welcomed the news and asked questions.


A Member referred to the increasing costs of the improvement works to Key Street and the impact of a planning application in Wises Lane, and asked if the Leader would be having a glass of champagne with Mr Quinn?


Another Member advised that the funding would concentrate on weaknesses in highway infrastructure identified by the Local Plan Inspector, and asked if the Leader agreed?


The Leader responded by saying that he hoped all Members welcomed the news, and that he would be having a cup of tea at home.


Queenborough and Rushenden – Housing Infrastructure Viability Fund


A Member asked if the Leader knew that the announcement of funding had sped up work, and that as a result of this 60 residents were now facing eviction from their moorings until 2022?  He asked if the Leader would speak to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) to see if there was a possibility for them to stay there?


In response to the questions, he agreed to raise the matter regarding moorings with the HCA in his next contact with them.


Sittingbourne Town Centre Regeneration Scheme Update


Questions were asked regarding how much the ribbon-cutting event would cost; did the Leader applaud that this was good news to shout about and would result in long term jobs; what the Leader’s view was on recent media coverage and what financial diligence had been done regarding the new party; and how did the Council intend to manage the retail units?


The Leader responded by saying that his understanding was that partners changed their name when they amalgamated with another company but he would come back on that point; that he had no details regarding the ribbon-cutting event but that it was usual for the Mayor to attend such ceremonies throughout the Borough; and emphasised the importance of attracting more money into the economy and more jobs in the Borough.


Health Update


The Leader gave a verbal update regarding the announcement of funding for a medical school in Canterbury and welcomed the benefits that this would bring to the area.  He paid credit to the MP for Faversham and Mid Kent and the former MP for Canterbury. 


Members welcomed the news in the updates, and also thanked others involved in respect of the campaign for a medical school in Canterbury, including the former MP for Canterbury and Mr Ken Rogers.


Recent bad weather


A Member praised officers for their efforts but referred to the problems which resulted in 5000 residents not having water.  Concern was expressed about the state of the water infrastructure, referring to other issues on the Isle of Sheppey in 2016, and the potential for further problems with additional development.  The Leader was asked did he share those concerns and would he support an urgent meeting with the water companies regarding this?  Was there anything more that could be done to address the issue?


Other Members praised staff and referred to the transformation project and the introduction of Skype that had meant many staff had been able to work from home.  The Leader was asked if he disagreed with press coverage that officers had been ‘skiving’ and that instead it should have said ‘Skyping’; and if he could comment on how the transformation project had helped? 


The Leader was also asked if he agreed that the issue of compensation being given to residents by the water company was unfair, given that residents on the Isle of Sheppey had not been offered any compensation when they had similar problems in 2016?  Other Members asked whether water infrastructure was an issue that the Scrutiny Committee could consider, and whether liaison meetings with the water companies should be reinstated? 


Another Member asked whether there were other ways of informing residents other than social media about changes to bin collections during bad weather?  Another Member asked if it was possible for Democratic Services to circulate details of a consultation from water companies to all Members?


During the discussion on this item, officers were praised for their efforts during the bad weather, particularly those in the cleansing team.


The Leader responded by thanking Members for the positive comments and praise for staff, referring to the number who had been able to work from home. He failed to understand the logic regarding the compensation from the water company, but would ask at the next opportunity. He was not sure what else could be done to inform residents of changes to bin collections, but welcomed ideas.  He agreed that the water shortage might be a topic for the Scrutiny Committee to review, but that this was a matter for the Committee to determine.  Lastly, he referred to the consultation by water companies and encouraged Members to respond.


Faversham Recreation Ground


A Member asked the Leader if the Council had sufficient resource and resilience to work on this project?  Another Member asked if the Leader was aware that the bid included extra staffing for implementation of the activity plan, including an apprentice?


The Leader responded by welcoming the project and said he was confident that there was sufficient resource to manage it.


Consultation for the Open Spaces and Play Strategy


There were no questions on this item.


Local Government Finance


A Member asked the Leader what his Government was going to do about the local government spending cuts?


The Leader responded by saying that local government had shown amazing resilience, and that he was doing all he could via the District Councils Network to lobby for a fair share of funding, as was the Local Government Association.


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