Agenda item

Senior Management Structure


The Leader introduced the report and summarised the proposals around each of the sections in the report, which Members discussed before making recommendations to Council.  The Leader referred to the number of interim appointments and the need for more permanent arrangements to be put in place.


In respect of the post of Director of Corporate Services, Members referred to the temporary arrangements that had been put in place during the ten months that the post had been vacant, which had worked well, and considered that the position was no longer required.  There was some discussion around officer attendance at Audit Committee meetings (which the Director of Corporate Services used to attend), and it was agreed that this would be explored further with external audit.


Members discussed the process around re-deployment of the post-holder, who was currently the Interim Chief Executive, and spoke very positively about the way in which the post-holder was carrying out his duties as Interim Chief Executive and developing the role.


In respect of the post of Director of Regeneration, Members discussed the interim arrangements that had been in place, which had been working well, and the importance of the post to the ambitions of the Council.  Members referred to the difficulties that had been experienced in recruiting to this position on three separate occasions, and the positive way in which the Interim Director of Regeneration had progressed the regeneration work since being appointed. 


Discussion ensued regarding the appointment process for the Monitoring Officer, and the fact that the Constitution offered conflicting advice regarding this; one section referred to the need for the Appointments Sub-Committee to make a recommendation to Council regarding the appointment of Statutory Officers (Part 3,3.2.1), whilst another section gave delegated authority to the Chief Executive to make such appointments (Part 3,3.4 (no. 2)).  Members considered that the appointment of Statutory Officers should be made by Members and asked for this to be considered by the General Purposes Committee as part of the review of the Constitution.  Other areas to include in the review of the Constitution included clarification of the appointment process for senior positions in the event of the need for interim arrangements, or in a situation where there were only internal candidates; and updating the scheme of delegation.


During the meeting, the Chairman confirmed that the recommendations would be considered by the Council on 13 December 2017, and after that time the Chief Executive would be asked to come forward with proposals for the rest of the management structure of the organisation.



(1) That the post of Director of Corporate Services be deleted from the establishment.

(2) That the current Interim Chief Executive be assimilated into this role on a permanent basis following the deletion of his permanent post; the Chief Executive be confirmed as the Head of Paid Service, Returning Officer and Electoral Registration Officer.

(3) That the current Interim Director of Regeneration be offered the post on a permanent basis.

(4) That  it be noted that the Interim Chief Executive has made an interim Monitoring Officer appointment; given the conflicting delegations in the Constitution, the process for appointment of Statutory Officers is to be looked at in the Constitution review.

(5) That the General Purposes Committee considers the appropriate revisions to amend and update the Constitution;  this is to include the appointment process for Statutory Officers, the appointment process for senior positions in the event of the need for interim positions or in a situation when there are only internal candidates; and updating the scheme of delegation.