Agenda item

Motions submitted in accordance with Procedure Rule 15

The following Motions have been received:


(a) "This Council agrees to ban the use and release of sky lanterns and balloons from land owned or managed by Swale Borough Council and at all events organised, supported, funded by (fully or partially) and/or licensed by this authority. This is in the interest of public safety, protection of agricultural land and property, prevention of harm to wildlife, livestock and other animals and protection of the environment."?


?Proposed by Cllr Cameron Beart and seconded by Cllr Lloyd Bowen.


(b) “This Council resolves in the next financial year to test the view that a periodic amnesty on town parking charges will help regenerate smaller and medium sized retail businesses in our high streets and adjacent commercial streets in Faversham, Sheerness and Sittingbourne.”


Proposed by Cllr Harrison and Cllr Ghlin Whelan.



Motion One


Councillor Cameron Beart proposed that “This Council agrees to ban the use and release of sky lanterns and balloons from land owned or managed by Swale Borough Council and at all events organised, supported, funded by (fully or partially) and/or licensed by this authority.  This is in the interest of public safety, protection of agricultural land and property, prevention of harm to wildlife, livestock and other animals and protection of the environment.”


In proposing the Motion, Councillor Cameron Beart highlighted the danger of sky lanterns to buildings, crops and animals and the litter problems they could cause.   He drew particular attention to incidents at sea likely to have been caused by sky lanterns and spoke of the harm to animals that balloons could create.


The Motion was seconded by Councillor Lloyd Bowen who reserved his right to speak.


Group Leaders spoke in support of the Motion.


Councillor Lloyd Bowen, in seconding the Motion, gave examples of cases where sky lanterns had caused a disaster.


On being put to the vote the Motion was agreed.


Resolved:  That this Council agrees to ban the use and release of sky lanterns and balloons from land owned or managed by Swale Borough Council and at all events organised, supported, funded by (fully or partially) and/or licensed by this authority.  This is in the interest of public safety, protection of agricultural land and property, prevention of harm to wildlife, livestock and other animals and protection of the environment.


Motion Two


Councillor Ghlin Whelan proposed that: “This Council resolves in the next financial year to test the view that a periodic amnesty on town parking charges will help regenerate smaller and medium sized retail businesses in our high streets and adjacent commercial streets in Faversham, Sheerness and Sittingbourne.”


In proposing the Motion Councillor Whelan reminded Members that the Labour Group had proposed free parking at weekends to encourage shoppers previously, but this had not been supported.  He added that the motion was flexible and suggested a 3 month trial which he acknowledged would cost approximately £100k, but drew attention to the £200k underspend in the current budget.


The Motion was seconded by Councillor Harrison who reserved her right to speak.


The Leader questioned whether the proposal was a good use of public money but stated that if the majority agreed, the cost would be included in the budget.  He added that the current Christmas parking scheme was targeted on footfall research from 12 months ago and referred to announcements in the budget that day and the need to be prudent.


The Leader of the UKIP group said that it was worth trying a different approach and doing something different might have a better impact and improve trade.


The Leader of the Labour group said there was a lot of public interest and support for the trial and referred to the underspend in the budget.


The Leader of the Independent group stated that the current proposal was more sensible than previous proposals and was a good idea, worthy of a trial.  He suggested different criteria to suit each town centre in Swale.


The Cabinet Member for Safer Families and Communities said that retailers had advised that free parking in Town Centres did not assist or encourage shoppers into towns.  He highlighted that in addition to the £95k in lost revenue, the costs of taking parking machine equipment off line would need to be included and would not justify the proposal.


During the debate that followed, Members said that High Streets were unique and visitors should be encouraged; air quality was a consideration; and visitors should be encouraged to use public transport.  A Member advised that many car parks in Sheerness were already full at the weekend so there was little point in providing free parking.


In seconding the Motion, Councillor Harrison referred to the flexibility of the motion and considered the proposal would maintain and enhance the viability of town centres.


Councillor Roger Trulove requested a recorded vote.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 19(5), a recorded vote was taken and voting was as follows:


For:  Councillors Mike Baldock, Monique Bonney, Tina Booth, Mark Ellen, Paul Fleming, Mick Galvin, Angela Harrison, Mike Henderson, Peter Marchington, Mini Nissanga, Prescott, Ben Stokes, Roger Truelove, Anita Walker, Ghlin Whelan and Tony Winckless.  Total equals: 16


Against:  Councillors Cameron Beart, George Bobbin, Andy Booth, Lloyd Bowen, Bowles, Derek Conway, Mike Cosgrove, Mike Dendor, Duncan Dewar-Whalley, Sue Gent, Nicholas Hampshire, Alan Horton, James Hunt, Ken Ingleton, Nigel Kay, Samuel Koffie-Williams, Gerry Lewin, Ken Pugh, George Samuel, Mike Whiting andTed Wilcox.  Total equals: 21


Abstain:  No Members abstained.


The Motion was lost.