Agenda item

Leader's Statement

Members may ask questions on the Leader’s Statement (to follow).


Statement added 23 January 2017.


The Leader presented his Statement, which gave updates on the Spirit of Sittingbourne, Finance Update and Chief Executive and Management Team Arrangements.


Spirit of Sittingbourne


The Leader of the UKIP Group welcomed progress, but raised concern about the lack of housing element in the development, and the design features in the plans submitted with the first planning application received for the scheme.  In response, the Leader said he was confident that visible work would have started by the time of the next Council meeting in February 2017.


The Leader of the Labour Group raised concern that the Council were funding many elements of the project, and suggested that the loss of the Revenue Support Grant would be replaced by property rates.  He asked the Leader what U+I I were investing in the project?  The Leader advised that U+I had already invested several million pounds in the project and would continue to do so, and SBC were buying assets to gain income in order to continue to provide essential services for the residents of Swale. He added that some information was commercially sensitive, but he would provide as much information as he could.


The Leader of the Independent Group drew attention to the second paragraph of the Leader’s Statement and asked who would look at the risk level of investing in the cinema?  The Leader referred the Leader of the Independent Group to Question 6 of the Public Questions, and advised  that the Statutory Officers had been delegated to undertake further due diligence.


A Member sought clarity on the timing of funding for the highway works outside the railway station, asked whether there could be any alternative uses for the cinema building should it fail, and raised concern that Turnberry Real Estate were a property developer.  She suggested an experienced team should be employed to monitor the scheme constantly.  The Leader advised that a team would be put in place at the appropriate time.  The Chief Executive added that about third of the SE LEP funding had already been claimed, and KCC had agreed to fund more than the £2.5m if it could be spent by the deadline.  He referred to the report being presented to the Cabinet Meeting on 1 February 2017 – Sittingbourne Town Centre Regeneration Project – variations to the Development Agreement.


Finance Update


The Leader of the UKIP Group shared the Leader’s concern on central government’s lack of understanding of the impact the changes to the New Homes Bonus and change in house building targets would have on the local community.  The Leader highlighted that, whilst he did not agree with the way the National Planning Policy Framework operated, he preferred SBC made decisions on new development rather than the Planning Inspectorate, to give SBC greater control.


The Leader of the Labour Group highlighted that some services provided by county councils had also been affected by lack of central government funding, and suggested that there should be other ways of controlling finance without detriment to local government.  The Leader agreed, and drew Members’ attention to the recent announcement about a referendum to be held at Surrey County Council to increase Council Tax by 15%.


The Leader of the Independent Group identified that the decisions were being made by a Conservative-controlled Government, and asked the Leader what action he was taking on behalf of the electorate in Swale?  The Leader advised that a strong message was being put to central government on a cross-party basis by the leadership of the Local Government Association.


A Member referred to funding of the Clinical Commissioners Group, and said that additional funding opportunities were available in cases of large housing developments, but never applied for as the process was too fragmented.  She urged appropriate investment in health going forwards, which was already inadequate for existing residents. The Leader said that the health sector had their own budgetary methods, and all Members had the ability to attend the regular Health and Well Being Board meetings but had so far failed to do so.


Chief Executive and Management Team Arrangements


The Mayor reminded Members that a report on the Interim Management Arrangements would be considered later in the meeting and specific questions may be better addressed at that time.


The Leaders of all political groups welcomed the news that Mr Vickers, the Head of Finance and Section 151 Officer, would be extending his working hours at SBC.


A Member praised the current Chief Executive, Mr Kara, and recognised his and all SBC staff’s hard work, to which Members applauded.


The Leader highlighted the significant improvement in performance since Mr Kara’s appointment, and the current strength of the team.

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