Agenda item

Leader's Statement

Members may ask questions on the Leader’s Statement.


Uploaded 13.12.16.


The Leader presented his Statement, which gave updates on the Sustainability and Transformation Plan, the Christmas Special Park and Ride and local policing.  The Mayor invited Members to ask questions on each topic.


Sustainability and Transformation Plan


The Leader reminded Members to attend the NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plan presentation on 15 December 2016.


The Leader of UKIP Group referred to paragraph four of the Leader’s Statement, and asked the Leader if he agreed that there should be more focus on overall health checks early on to prevent issues?  He suggested Member briefings could be webcast.


The Leader reminded the Leader of the UKIP Group that the prevention priorities referred to in paragraph four of his statement were the priorities for the Clinical Commissioning Groups, National Heath Service, and Kent County Council.  He added that there were cost implications in webcasting Member briefings but that other options such as training sessions at differing times and more cross-Borough working were being considered.


The Deputy Leader of the Labour Group agreed with the focus on prevention of illness, and encouraged all party groups to join together to consider how to tackle the issues.  She encouraged the use of community facilities, highlighted the poor communication and lack of advertising of health board meetings, and stressed the need to find suitable solutions within each area of the Borough.


The Leader of the Independent Group drew attention to the second paragraph of the Leader’s Statement and suggested that practical solutions should be researched now.


The Leader thanked Group Leaders for their suggestions, and encouraged Members to read the Kings Fund report.


A discussion ensued and some Members gave personal accounts of the poor service they had received from the NHS.  In addition, the following issues were raised:


·        Insufficient number of staff;

·        lack of communication;

·        historical lack of funding, particularly in Swale;

·        loss of GP services;

·        delays in accessing services;

·        lack of health and social care; and

·        shortage of localised services.


A Member suggested that more funding for Health Services was necessary, and suggested a study in Swale to establish what services were required and the cost.  The Leader warned that public opinion polls elsewhere had indicated that most people would not be willing to pay additional tax for improved health services, and that he would continue to push for localised services.


Christmas ‘Special’ Park and Ride


The Leader of the UKIP Group thanked the local schools for their assistance in the scheme, and welcomed the community spirit.  He suggested the scheme could be repeated for other events and areas within the Borough in the future.


The Leader thanked the Leader of the UKIP Group, and advised that the scheme would be taken forward once the trial was completed and evidence gathered.


The Deputy Leader of the Labour Group agreed that the scheme was in its infancy, and she hoped it continued.


The Leader thanked the Deputy Leader of the Labour Group, and highlighted the positive comments that had been received.


A Member said that there should have been more advertising of the scheme on social media and local radio, whilst another Member suggested more consultation with local Members with local knowledge. 


A Member gave thanks to the Cabinet Member for Safer Families and Communities and to the Council staff involved in the scheme, and encouraged its development in the future.


The Cabinet Member for Safer Families and Communities reminded Members that the scheme was a trial and any decision to take it forward should be evidence-based, and welcomed Members’ views.


The Leader acknowledged and thanked the Deputy Cabinet Member for  Safer Families and Communities, and other Members for their involvement and for their suggestions.


Police update


The Leader of the Independent Group asked the Leader if he agreed that there had been frequent changes in Police staff in Swale?  The Leader agreed. 

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