Agenda item

Application for a New Premises Licence under the Licensing Act 2003

To consider an application for a new premises licence at The Admiral’s Arm, Trafalgar Court, West Street, Queenborough, Sheerness, Kent.


Mrs Angela Seaward, Senior Licensing Officer, introduced the report which was to consider an application to grant a Premises Licence at The Admirals Arm, Trafalgar Court, West Street, Queenborough.  The proposed hours of operation are:


Monday – Sunday 11:00 – 23:00hrs

Christmas Eve 11:00 – 01:00hrs

New Years Eve 11:00 – 01:30hrs


Mrs Seaward advised that 6 representations had been received in addition to conditions suggested by Kent Police.


Mr Collier, the Applicant, considered that there was a need for a different type of venue and service in the up and coming area of Queenborough and explained that the micro pub did not serve food, encouraged conversation between customers, served real ale, ciders and wine instead of lager and had only low-key, acoustic style music.  Mr Collier advised that the venue had been trading on a temporary licence for the previous three weekends and although it had been busy with a mostly mature clientele, it was not noisy and there had been no complaints.


Mr Philipps (Objector) advised that he lived very close to The Admirals Arm, and other public houses and establishments were within close proximity.  He had concerns of noise nuisance from The Admirals Arm as he had experienced from other establishments previously.  Mr Philipps highlighted the lightweight construction of the building and its corrugated tin roof which he considered was not sufficiently insulated.  Mr Philipps referred to the Planning Approval for the micro-pub granted on 18 August 2016 and asked the Sub-Committee to consider similar conditions that were imposed on the planning approval to be applied to the Premises Licence, and highlighted the planning conditions relating to opening hours and amplified music.   He advised that he was not objecting to the concept of the micro pub, only to any noise issues that may arise.


The Senior Lawyer (Contentious) advised the meeting that the Planning and Licensing regime sat independently and it was not uncommon for a variation in hours granted by the Planning Committee and Licensing Sub-Committee.  In response to an issue raised by Mr Philipps relating to a breach of condition at the Old House at Home public house, the Senior Lawyer (Contentious) reminded the meeting that it was The Admirals Arm Licence that was under discussion and any Breach of Condition of the Licence at the Old House at Home should be considered in a Licence review of that premises.


In response to a question from a Member, the Applicant advised that low-key, non-amplified music such as guitar or fiddle was planned at the premises.  The applicant went on to advise that the building was an old stable block of brick construction with timber cladding and had thick brick walls and extra insulation had been installed in the loft.  He confirmed that music had not yet been played at the premises and that even on the busy open day, noise could not be heard in the street.  The Senior Licensing Officer confirmed that no complaints had been received.


The Senior Lawyer (Contentious) asked the Applicant if neighbours in the area could contact him should there be any issues in the future?  The Applicant confirmed he was happy to be contacted and that all contact details were on their website.


A Visiting Councillor spoke in support of the application, and advised that there were three micro pubs in the Borough, none of which had caused major problems.  He continued to advise the meeting that he had attended the open day at The Admirals Arm and whilst the venue had been noisy inside, it was not noisy outside although he had heard noise from another public house.


The Objector confirmed that his only concern was music from the micro pub.


Members of the Sub-Committee adjourned to make their decision at 10.26am.


Members of the Sub-Committee, the Senior Lawyer (Contentious) and the Senior Democratic Services Officer returned at 11.08am when the meeting was convened.


The decision, as set out at Appendix 1 to these minutes was announced.


Resolved:  The Sub-Committee agreed to grant the licence in accordance with the decision appended to these minutes; the Notice of Determination sets out the full decision and reasons.


Supporting documents: