Agenda item

Performance Monitoring Report 2015/16 Quarter 4

The Committee is asked to consider the Performance Monitoring Report 2015/16 Quarter 4.


The Chairman welcomed the Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance, the Deputy Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance, and the Policy and Performance Manager to the meeting. The Deputy Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the quarterly portfolio-based balanced scorecards reports for the final quarter of 2015/16 (January – March 2016). He explained that the structure of the report was changing and this was the last time Members would see the information in its current format. 


The Policy and Performance Manager referred to the Corporate Overview balanced scorecard and highlighted that there continued to be no poor or week adverse audit opinions, and that the short and long term sickness figures were low in comparison with the national average. He further highlighted that 96% of complaints were responded to within ten working days.


A Member asked what measures were in place to reduce the strategic risks? The Policy and Performance Manager advised that there were action plans in place.


A Member referred to the adverse audit opinions and asked whether the best practice report that was suggested as part of the peer challenge earlier in 2016, had been received?  The Policy and Performance Manager agreed to find out.


In response to questions from Members relating to long and short-term sickness levels, the Chief Executive explained that there was not a strong connection between long and short-term sickness.  He explained that the figures were still collectively low and within the target for the performance indicator and that the Council was less able to control long-term sickness. He went on to advise that regarding the risk management data the information was a snapshot of that period of time, it was right that some risks would always remain significant risks and there were plans in place to manage the risks.  He stated that mitigation actions were available to the Scrutiny Committee should they wish to see them.


The Policy and Performance Manager agreed to meet with a Member to clarify how the figures were reached.


Members considered the Community Safety and Health balanced scorecard report for (2015/16) Quarter Four.  A Member sought confirmation on the nature of the crimes which occurred within the Sheppey prisons, referred to in the summary.


Members considered the Environment and Rural Affairs balanced scorecard report for 2015/16 Quarter Four.  A Member highlighted the Local Area Perception Survey (LAPS) targets and asked what action was being taken to address the missed targets?  A discussion ensued and the Chief Executive explained that the survey was annual so the figures only changed once a year, and the next survey was about to commence again.  He explained that for street cleansing, there was continuous objective monitoring of levels of detritus, which showed good performance. The Chief Executive advised that an annual briefing note was produced explaining the responses and sample sizes for the LAPS once the results were in and the Policy and Performance Manager confirmed that there were a large number of responses on this particular survey.


There was no discussion on the Finance and Performance combined balanced scorecard report for 2015/16 Quarter Four.


Members considered the Housing balanced scorecard report for 2015/16 Quarter Four.


A Member sought clarification on the upward trend on the number of households in temporary accommodation and new prevention cases opened.  The Chief Executive explained that changes in Welfare Reform had added to the complexity of cases, and increasing use of temporary accommodation was a challenge to the budget.  It was also highlighted that there was often a seasonal increase in the number of cases after Christmas.


A Member congratulated the staff in Housing Options for the sharp increase in the number of households prevented from becoming homeless.  The Leader added his praise of the Team and suggested that all Councils were dealing with similar pressures.


A Member asked to what extent the solution to the Housing issues could be resolved by Swale Borough Council (SBC)?  A discussion ensued and the Chief Executive made the following points:


·        The subject was so complex it required a dedicated session;

·        thanked the Committee for recognising it was not a performance issue;

·        advised that numbers were increasing due in part by welfare reform;

·        availability of temporary accommodation was not in SBC’s control;

·        there was a lack of accommodation to move households from temporary accommodation;

·        numbers of available housing could drop significantly further as there was a lack of viability locally to deliver socially affordable housing and

·        in conclusion, there was little within SBC’s control.


The Chairman reminded the Committee that a task and finish group were currently reviewing Housing Services, and the Policy and Performance Officer agreed to provide updated figures for empty homes.


There was no discussion on the Localism, Culture, Heritage and Sport balanced scorecard report for 2015/16 Quarter Four.


Members considered the Planning balanced scorecard report for 2015/16 Quarter Four.


In response to a question from a Member on the likely impact the suspension of Pre-Planning Advice would have on the incoming fees, the Chief Executive advised that the Financial Management Report for the first quarter would be presented to Cabinet Meeting on 7 September 2016.


A Member referred to the List of Exceptions and disagreed that the percentage of delegated decisions should be considered the ‘worst’ as he regarded it best practice that members of the Planning Committee should make planning decisions on the bigger and more complex applications.  He referred to the proportion of major planning applications overturned on appeal.  The Chief Executive advised that the indicators, including their polarity, were set nationally by Central Government, and were important to be able to compare performance.


Another Member highlighted that the measurement in satisfaction with Planning by service users could not be measured correctly unless information regarding the success of their planning application was known.  A Member drew attention to the improvement in customer feedback.


Members considered the Regeneration balanced scorecard report for 2015/16 Quarter Four.


In response to a question from a Member regarding budget figures within departments, the Chief Executive explained that Portfolios were not necessarily the same as Council departments. He went on to advise that details of complaints would be within the Annual Complaints Report which was due to be published.


A Member referred to the Swale Skills Profile and its importance in achieving economic growth.  The Chief Executive agreed, but also advised that despite this, SBC were driving economic growth faster than any other authority in Kent.


The Chairman thanked the Deputy Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance and the Policy and Performance Manager for their attendance.

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