Agenda item

Application for a New Premises License under the Licensing Act 2003

To consider an application for a new premises licence at Morrison’s Petrol Station, Sittingbourne.


Ms Clare Johnson introduced herself as Solicitor for WM Morrison Supermarkets Plc.  Ms Johnson introduced Ms Kelly Nichols as Licensing Manager for WM Morrison Supermarkets Plc.


Ms Johnson presented the applicant’s case in respect of their premises at Morrisons Daily (PFS) at Mill Way, Sittingbourne.  Ms Johnson drew attention to the conditions proposed by Kent Police outlined in the Committee report, and confirmed that Morrison’s were happy for these to be attached to the licence.  Ms Johnson noted that all of the statutory bodies had raised no objection to the application.


Ms Johnson drew attention to the written representation received from Mr and Mrs Hockley of Alexandra Place, Munsgore Lane, Borden.  Ms Johnson noted that whilst entitled to make representations, these individuals lived too far away from the premises to be likely to be affected by any nuisance from the premises.  Ms Johnson stated that with regard to their concerns that there would be an increase in accidents and incidents, this was not supported by Kent Police and there was no evidence to support this claim.  She further noted that none of the residential premises in the vicinity of the proposed licensed premises were particularly close and none of them had raised objection. 


With regard to Mr and Mrs Hockley’s concerns in respect of juvenile anti-social behaviour, Ms Johnson stated that this was purely speculative and that the “Challenge 25” scheme would be in operation at the premises.  She advised that staff would receive the relevant training in this respect and also proxy sales. 


Ms Johnson concluded that Morrisons were experienced in the retail of alcohol, and aware of their responsibilities in respect of the licensing objectives. 


In response to queries from a Member, Ms Nicholls confirmed that staff were trained on the sale of alcohol prior to working on the tills, and in particular how to deal with proxy sales and anti-social behaviour, and the Challenge 25 scheme.  Ms Nicholls stated that Morrisons had a 92% success rate for challenging under-age sales as part of the Mystery Shopper scheme.    


Members of the Sub-Committee adjourned to make their decision at 10.10am.  Members of the Sub-Committee, the Legal Adviser and the Democratic Services Officer returned at 10.46pm.


The decision, as set out at Appendix I to these minutes was announced.




(1) The Sub-Committee agreed to grant the licence as applied for subject to conditions.

Supporting documents: