Agenda item

Performance Monitoring Report

The Committee is asked to consider the Performance Monitoring Report.


The Chairman welcomed the Deputy Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance, the Policy and Performance Manager and the Business Improvement Officer to the meeting.  The Deputy Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance introduced the quarterly portfolio-based balanced scorecard performance reports for the third quarter (October-December 2015). He provided an overview of the Corporate Health scorecard and highlighted the reduction in complaints received over the quarter.


In response to a question from a Member regarding the increase in short-term sickness against the decrease in long-term sickness, the Deputy Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance advised that this was a regular trend in the third quarter, and some long-term sickness employees had returned to work but still had days off sick. The Chairman asked what measures were being taken to address this tendency and whether some sickness was stress-related?  Members were advised that all sickness was checked by Human Resources (HR), return to work interviews were carried out, phased return to work was implemented, and that HR worked closely with returning employees.   The Policy and Performance Manager agreed to circulate the specific information to Members relating to stress-related sickness. 


Members made no comment on the Community Safety and Health balanced scorecard report for 2015/16 Quarter Three.


Members considered the Environmental and Rural Affairs balanced scorecard report for 2015/16 Quarter Three.  A discussion ensued and Members made the following observations regarding the cleanliness of the Borough:


·        Concern in the deterioration of street cleansing;

·        Litter on the A249 was a particular problem;

·        Suggested educating residents and publicising in different languages;

·        Litter discouraged visitors to the area;

·        Suggested young offenders could assist on community work projects;

·        Attitude and behaviour towards litter dropping of some people in the Borough;

·        Difficulty in disposing of larger items;

·        Fly-tipping in areas encouraged others to tip in the same area;

·        The success of the “Clean for the Queen” project and encouragement of further similar projects, facilitated by Swale Borough Council;

·        Encouragement in schools and community organisations in cleaning projects;

·        Penalties on businesses such as food outlets if rubbish was not cleared;

·        Use of evidence from cameras to prosecute offenders;

·        Publicising successful prosecutions more widely;

·        Encouragement in the use of waste facilities;

·        Use of underspend in budget to clean the Borough.


 The Policy and Performance Manager suggested Members could consider a review of litter in the future and Members agreed.  A Member suggested inviting a representative from the Highways Agency to a future review meeting.  The Chairman reminded Members that invited guests, including invited Members, should be fully engaged with at Scrutiny meetings.


Members made no comment on the Finance and Performance combined balance scorecard report for 2015/16 Quarter Three.


Members considered the Housing balanced scorecard report for 2015/16 Quarter Three.


A Member raised strong concerns on the year-on-year deterioration rate for the number of affordable homes delivered, households living in temporary accommodation and long-term empty homes brought back into use. He considered that Swale Borough Council were not doing enough and suggested the Cabinet Member for Housing and Wellbeing should be alerted to the Committee’s concerns.  The Chairman reminded the Committee that they were currently undertaking a Housing review and points raised would be fed back to the Task and Finish Group.


A discussion followed which centred on the following themes:


·        The number of affordable homes delivered,43, was worrying;

·        Disappointment at the number of long-term empty homes brought back into use after the previous work carried out by Members of the Scrutiny Committee and the Policy and Performance Officer;

·        Suggestion that SBC’s low rate borrowing could assist in a joint venture with Housing Associations in providing housing;

·        Clarification on the figures for long-term empty homes.


Members considered the balanced scorecard report for 2015/16 Quarter Three for Localism, Culture, Heritage and Sport.


A Member sought clarification on how the change in Cabinet portfolios would affect the reporting responsibility in the scorecards? The Policy and Performance Manager advised that the structure of the scorecards would be changing to take account of the portfolio changes, but the Local Area Perception survey questions would remain unchanged to compare scores historically and with other Councils who asked the same questions as SBC. 


Members considered the balanced scorecard report for 2015/16 Quarter Three for Planning and raised the following issues:


·        The performance figures in Local Land Searches required further investigation;

·        Pleased that the percentage of delegated planning decisions was so low;

·        Did not consider the proportion of planning applications refused or the number of delegated planning decisions should be a target;

·        Serious concerns at satisfaction rate;

·        More information within the report required on what the risks were.


The Business Improvement Officer confirmed that a new planning satisfaction survey was expected, the results of which would be reported. The Cabinet Member for Safer Families and Communities added that a new framework assessing financial and safety risk was now live and Members would be receiving training on these subjects.


Members considered the balanced scorecard report for 2015/16 Quarter Three for Regeneration.


Members considered it appropriate to invite the Director of Regeneration and the Cabinet Member for Regeneration to a future meeting to update the Scrutiny Committee on the regeneration of Swale. The Chairman suggested that Members should email the Policy and Performance Officer with their questions on this topic prior to the update.


A Member raised an issue on how Regeneration was measured on the scorecards. The Policy and Performance Manager agreed that the scorecards focussed on quantitative performance and some services were difficult to measure.


Members were concerned that the budget was underspent, understood the need for confidentiality in some aspects and sought clarification on the target on large projects on page 17 of the report.


The Chairman thanked the Deputy Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance, the Policy and Performance Manager and the Business Improvement Officer for their attendance.

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