Agenda item

2.1 15/507023/FULL Dukes Shaw, Bexon Lane, Bredgar, ME9 8HG


PRESENT:  Councillors Mike Baldock, Bobbin, James Hall, Mike Henderson, Bryan Mulhern (Chairman), Prescott (Vice-Chairman) and Ben Stokes.


ALSO IN ATTENDANCE:  Councillor Monique Bonney (Ward Member).


OFFICERS PRESENT:   Philippa Davies, Andrew Jeffers, Andrew Spiers and Graham Thomas.


APOLOGIES: Councillors Cameron Beart, Andy Booth, Roger Clark, Richard Darby, Mike Dendor, Sue Gent, and James Hunt.


The Chairman welcomed the applicant, the Ward Member and three members of Bredgar Parish Council to the meeting.


The Area Planning Officer introduced the retrospective application which was for change of use from woodland, to horticultural and recreational use.  The buildings would remain on the site which was within the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).  He explained that the site was not visible from the nearby public footpath.


The Area Planning Officer reported that Bredgar Parish Council objected to the application and had stated that the quality of the buildings were not suitable to be within an AONB; they had questioned whether a survey had been done to confirm whether there were any protected species on the site; inconsistencies in the application; and concerns that the site was being used for unauthorised residential purposes.


The Area Planning Officer explained that the buildings on the site were small scale; the area was largely going to be used for horticulture; the temporary condition addressed any residential concerns; and he considered the application did not affect the landscape.  He advised that removal of any trees could not be dealt with by a planning condition; a tree preservation order would be required to do that.


The applicant explained that he had not chopped down any trees unnecessarily at the site, and had no intention of doing so.


A representative of Bredgar Parish Council raised concern with the quality of the buildings on the site; the preservation of the ancient woodland and preservation of the AONB; and what would happen to the site if the current occupier left?


The Ward Member raised the following points:  concerned with the loss of woodland to leisure purposes; the AONB and woodland needed to be preserved; the site was elevated and was visible from the motorway and surrounding area; loss of trees would make the site more exposed; there had to be a design standard; and new houses would not be allowed to be built at this location.


A Member queried what leisure facilities the application would cover.  In response, the Area Planning Officer advised that a planning condition could be added to state what could be added to the site, rather than what could not.  The applicant stated that the leisure services he planned was to offer camping for two tents at the site.


A Member asked whether it was possible to limit the application to a named person; whether the use was attached to the land; how long the temporary permission was for, and could it be renewed; and whether properties visible from the site had been consulted.


The Area Planning Officer confirmed that a three-year temporary permission would be granted if approved; and it was possible to restrict the permission to a named person.  He further advised that to treat the buildings separately from the leisure use, the applicant would have to withdraw one part, as the application could not be split.


Members toured the site with officers.