Agenda item

The Future of the Swale Rural Forum

Questions from members of the public are welcome.


The Head of Economic and Community Services reported that the Council had undertaken a review on how to engage better with the public and to establish the effectiveness of the Council’s Local Engagement Forums (LEFs) and Swale Rural Forum.  In November 2015 the Council’s Policy Development and Review Committee recommended to Cabinet that both the LEFs and Rural Forum should cease in their current form and propose more effective ways to engage.  It was considered that the Rural Forum was not fulfilling its role. 


The Head of Economic and Community Services explained that the Rural Forum had been set-up to ‘rural proof’ relevant policy and strategic matters.  In the period 2014/15 the Rural Forum made only one recommendation to Cabinet and had been poorly attended by both Parish Councils and members of the public.  She stated that Chief Inspector Tony Henley (Kent Police) had advised that it was unlikely that they would be able to support the meetings moving forward due to resources.  The proposals to cease the Rural Forum would be considered at the General Purposes Committee meeting on 2 March 2016 and the recommendations from that meeting would be considered by Full Council on 16 March 2016.  This could therefore be the last Rural Forum meeting.


The Council had also undertaken a consultation between December 2015 and January 2016 asking how they could better engage with local residents.  Feedback showed that few people wanted public meetings to continue and preferred engagement via social media.  Proposals for engagement moving forward included meetings on an ad-hoc basis and the use of the website, direct email and social media channels.


In response to a query, the Head of Economic and Community Services reported that her team could still produce the Rural Round-up quarterly and send out to councillors and Parish Clerks via email.  The Police quarterly updates could also be included.


The Forum considered the proposals and made the following comments: KALC want the Swale Rural Forum to continue; social media is the right way forward but need to be aware that some people do not have access to a computer; public have made their views known and do not want the meeting; if residents have concerns about particularly issues that can also speak to their ward member, parish council and KCC councillor; more public would attend meetings if they could see a purpose or reason for attending; would be a shame to lose the ‘inter-face’ between parishes and the Borough Council offered by the Rural Forum; the Council definitely need to find an alternative way of engaging with people in rural areas; the Rural Forum has more ‘clout’ in getting officers from KCC and other agencies to engage with the local community; public do not want to just sit and listen to borough councillors talking; local community want to engage particularly on the regeneration of Sittingbourne and local plan consultation which particular affects rural areas; the forum does have something constructive to add if it is in the right format but unsure what that should be; there is no information from SBC on twitter so perhaps we are not informing the public correctly about the meetings; presentation given at a previous forum meeting about Superfast Broadband enabled Bredgar Parish Council to get fast broadband in the village; other organisations are often reluctant to attend the Forum; all borough councillors should be aware of how to engage with the public; need to include with the Inside Swale booklet how residents can engage with the Council; need to consider whether the Forum is best value for money for taxpayers; the public can also raise issues at the Swale Joint Transportation Board and ask questions at Full Council meetings; and KALC is principally to assist with admin and training not to discuss issues from local authorities, only the rural forum offers this.


The Head of Economic and Community Services advised that ways to engage would be promoted within a future edition of ‘Inside Swale’.


In response to a query about publicising the Rural Forum, the Democratic Services Officer explained that the agenda and minutes are published on the Council’s website and sent to the members of the Rural Forum and Parish Clerks.


Post Meeting Note:


The link to the agenda and minutes for the meetings are also sent to local press for inclusion in local newspapers.  A hard copy of the agenda is also displayed on noticeboards outside Swale House and the district offices on the Isle of Sheppey and Faversham.


Councillor Mike Baldock moved the following motion:  That the Swale Rural Forum continue for one year but overhaul the agenda to make it more relevant and ensure it contains items that require rural discussion.  This was seconded by Councillor June Garrad.


The motion was put to the vote.  As the vote was split the Chairman used his casting vote.  The motion was agreed.


Recommended:  That the Swale Rural Forum continue for one year but overhaul the agenda to make it more relevant and ensure it contains items that require rural discussion. 


The Head of Economic and Community Services agreed to feedback the comments from the Rural Forum to the General Purposes Committee on 2 March 2016.