Agenda item

15/506114/FULL land adjacent to 27 Waverley Avenue, Minster-on-Sea


PRESENT: Councillors Mike Baldock, Cameron Beart, Andy Booth, Mike Dendor, James Hall, James Hunt, Bryan Mulhern (Chairman) and Prescott (Vice-Chairman).


OFFICERS PRESENT: Rob Bailey and Kellie Mackenzie.


APOLOGIES: Councillors Bobbin, Roger Clark and Sue Gent.


The Chairman welcomed the applicant’s agent and local residents to the meeting.


The Area Planning Officer explained that the application was effectively for renewal of planning application SW/11/1616; the erection of a two-storey, four bedroom dwelling with integrated garage at land adjacent to 27 Waverley Avenue, Minster-on-Sea.  No amendments to the previously approved scheme were proposed. He stated that the proposed building would be located 6.3 metres from the site frontage, and approximately 1 metre from the southern and northern boundaries of the site.  The dwelling would be 4.8 metres at eaves level and the rear and front wall would follow the building line of the neighbouring building to the south, at no. 27 Waverley Avenue.  The side elevations would have windows, either secondary windows or serving non-habitable rooms.  The frontage would comprise a small garden and decking was proposed for the rear garden.


The Area Planning Officer reported that five letters of objection had been received as set out in the Committee report.  He further reported that the proposal was located within the built-up area of Minster-on-Sea.  The Area Planning Officer considered that the proposal was of a scale and design in-line with neighbouring properties and in keeping with the area.  It would not project beyond 27 Waverley Avenue and would be 21 metres from the dwellings to the rear. 


The Area Planning Officer considered that the decking could give rise to overlooking to both nos. 27 and 29 Waverley Avenue, but condition (6) of the Committee report, which required obscuring panels to each end of the decking would, in his opinion, prevent overlooking.  The Area Planning Officer advised that as an internal garage and 2 off-street parking spaces were proposed, the proposal was acceptable in terms of highway safety. 


Local residents raised the following points: would have a detrimental impact on the unmade road, particularly during the construction period with heavy goods vehicles churning up the road creating ruts; the ground in the area moved and the water mains often got damaged; too large; would cause overshadowing to neighbouring properties; loss of views; and loss of wildlife area.


In response to queries from local residents, the Area Planning Officer advised that the property would be 1 metre from the fence of 27 Waverley Avenue.  The Area Planning Officer agreed to seek the comments of KCC Highways about issues relating to the unmade highway.


The agent stated that he thought that the applicants would be happy to ensure any ruts were repaired, although the road was not in their ownership.


The Area Planning Officer advised that comments from Kent County Council Ecology on the removal of the existing vegetation and the biodiversity value of the site were awaited and they hoped to be able to update Members at the Planning Committee meeting on 14 January 2016.


Members then toured the adjacent site with the officer