Agenda item

2.1 15/56410/FULL 90 Scrapsgate Road, Minster-on-Sea

9.30am – 2.1 15/506410/FULL 90 Scrapsgate Road, Minster

10.15am - 2.5 15/503681/FULL 177 Wards Hill Road, Minster (Please note - meet at the front of the site i.e. adjacent to no. 16 Clovelly Drive for this meeting, plan attached)

11.15am -  2.12 15/506114/FULL land adjacent to 27 Waverley Avenue, Minster


PRESENT: Councillors Mike Baldock, Cameron Beart, Andy Booth, Mike Dendor, James Hall, Mike Henderson, James Hunt, Bryan Mulhern (Chairman), and Prescott (Vice-Chairman).


OFFICERS PRESENT: Rob Bailey, Paul Gregory and Kellie Mackenzie.


APOLOGIES: Councillors Bobbin, Roger Clark and Sue Gent.


The Chairman welcomed the applicants, the applicant’s architect and representative from Minster Parish Council to the meeting.


The Planner introduced the item which was for an extension above and to the rear of the existing garage at two-storey height with a pitched roof element on the opposite side.  A canopy was proposed on the front elevation and the front roofslope would include two dormer windows and a roof-light, and three dormers were proposed on the rear roofslope of  90 Scrapsgate Road, Minster.  The Planner explained that the height of the dwelling would be increased by 0.6 metres to 6.8 metres to ridge height.  The single storey extension was proposed to the rear with a depth of 3 metres.  One roof-light was proposed on the front elevation and one in the side elevation facing towards No. 88.


The Planner reported that one letter of objection had been received raising various concerns including that the proposal would have an overbearing impact on no. 88 Scrapsgate Road, and loss of light.  The Planner stated that the host property was to the north of no. 88 and as such he did not consider it would lead to a significant reduction in sunlight to this property.  The proposal would not move the existing flank wall any closer to no. 92 Scrapsgate Road and there was a gap of approximately 3 metres between the flank wall of the host property and no. 92.  The overall height of the dwelling would be limited to an increase of 0.6 metres which he did not consider to be unacceptable.  With regard to the concerns of Minster Parish Council, the Planner explained that there were already houses close to the road and that the parking arrangements proposed were no worse than the current arrangement. 


In response to a query raised at the Planning Committee meeting on 17 December 2015, the Planner reported that there were 23 bungalows and 7 chalet bungalows in Scrapsgate Road.


Mr Richard Baker, the applicant’s architect, stated that Members may not have had all the information when the item had been considered at Planning Committee on 17 December 2015.  He considered the proposal was a reasonable design.


Mrs Donnelly, the applicant, stated that this was a family home and they were simply asking for two further bedrooms and a bathroom to accommodate their growing family.


Mr John Stanford, representing Minster Parish Council, spoke against the application.  He raised the following comments: would be an over-development of the site; overbearing; not in keeping; and would cause considerable overshadowing, loss of privacy and overlooking onto neighbouring properties.    


In response to a query from a Member, the Chairman requested that officers provided the housing survey needs for Minster for the Planning Committee meeting on 14 January 2016.


Members then toured the site with officers.

Supporting documents: