Agenda item

15/505114/FULL Land adjacent to and forming part of 2 Swedish House, Throwley Road, Throwley, ME13 0PF


PRESENT:  Councillors Mike Baldock, Cameron Beart, Bobbin, Andy Booth, Richard Darby, Mike Dendor, Mike Henderson, Bryan Mulhern (Chairman), and Prescott (Vice-Chairman).


ALSO IN ATTENDANCE: Councillor Mick Galvin.


OFFICERS PRESENT:  Philippa Davies and Graham Thomas.


APOLOGIES: Councillors Roger Clark, Mark Ellen, Sue Gent, James Hunt and Ben Stokes.


The Chairman welcomed the applicants and two members of Throwley Parish Council to the meeting.


The Area Planning Officer explained that the application was for change of use of land from agricultural to mixed agricultural/equestrian use, and construction of stabling for horses.


The applicants had indicated the footprint of the proposed stables which were located in the south east corner to the front of the site, adjacent to an existing sub-station.  The application site was within the Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), near to Throwley Church which was Grade I Listed, and nearby to other listed buildings.


The stables would be L-shaped, with overall dimensions of 10.8 metres by 10.3 metres.  The stables would be dark-stained and had a perspex window and felt tiling on the roof  The ridge height would be 3.3 metres; the roof pitch had been slightly increased too 27.5 degrees.


The Area Planning Officer reported that the Environment Agency had no objection to the application, and no comments had been received from the Parish Council.  He explained that refusal was recommended as it was a prominent site, within the Kent Downs AONB, and it was below the standard of design and materials that would be expected in this area.  A tiled roof was a preferred material at this location, but a corrugated material was preferable to the felt tiles proposed by the applicants.  The Area Planner was happy with the principle, but suggested it be re-located to the rear of the property, as a well-designed wooden structure would be acceptable next to the church.


The applicant outlined his application and explained that he had complied with the Council’s leaflet on this type of development, and had followed pre-application advice.  He acknowledged the site was at a higher level, but considered the hedging would address this, and he stated that the area was already compromised by the existing sub-station and telegraph pole.  The applicant spoke on the suggestion that the stables be re-located to the rear of the property, but advised that this would mean the construction of an access drive to the stables.  He stated that the increase in pitch seemed to be at odds with the consideration that the stables appeared to be prominent, and advised that other advice that he had taken had been agreed at the pre-application stage.


A Parish Council representative apologised that a representation had previously not been sent from Throwley Parish Council.  He explained that the Parish Council was in favour of the stables being positioned along the hedgeline, near to the sub-station and telegraph pole, as it was adequately screened.  He considered that if it was sited behind the house it would be visible from the public footpath.  A second Parish Council representative spoke in support of the application and considered the proposed siting had the least impact.


The Chairman requested that the Parish Council forward a written representation to the Area Planning Officer.


The Ward Member considered the stables would only be visible from the driveway opening of the property, and further hedging would be added.  He did not consider it was necessary to position it behind the dwelling.  He considered the quality of the building was subjective.


In response to a question from a Member, it was confirmed that the site where the stables were located had been recommended at the pre-application stage.


Members then toured the site with the officer.