Agenda item

15/505666/FULL - Bourne Place, Stockers Hill, Rodmersham

(a)   9.30am – 2.4 15/505666/FULL – Bourne Place, Stockers Hill, Rodmersham, Kent, ME9 0PJ


(b)  Any further applications deferred for a site visit following the reconvened Planning Committee meeting on 29 September 2015 (details will be published Wednesday 30 September 2015).


The Chairman welcomed the applicants, representatives from Rodmersham Parish Council and the Ward Member to the meeting.


The Senior Planner introduced the application and explained that the site was just outside the built-up area boundary for Rodmersham.  He advised that there were three existing buildings on the site; one was to be demolished and the other two were to be renovated and re-clad in weatherboarding and their use changed to holiday lets. 


The Senior Planner advised that bathrooms to the rear of the proposed holiday lets would be obscure glazed.  He explained that the original plans showed high level windows to both of the buildings and this was an error.  The high level window on building B had been removed and amended plans had been received.  The applicant had also submitted a Planning Statement which stated that the application would benefit the local economy and noted that a cleaner would be employed at the site.


The Senior Planner reported that three letters of objection had been received.   Rodmersham Parish Council also raised objection.  The Senior Planner read out all  objections received for Members as outlined in the planning report. 


The Senior Planner further reported that Kent County Council (KCC) Highways raised no objection.  The Council’s Tourism Officer supported the application.  The Senior Planner recommended that the application be approved subject to compliance with the conditions proposed.


Mr Tim Bishop, the applicant, spoke in support of the application and circulated supporting documentation which included a letter from the Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) for Rodmersham, email from Kent Police and minutes from the Rodmersham Parish Council meeting held on 12 November 2012.  Mr Bishop reminded Members that at the Planning Committee meeting on 24 September 2015, Councillor Monique Bonney had read out a letter from Kent Police about parking on Stockers Hill.  Mr Bishop explained that following receipt of that letter the Police had emailed Rodmersham Parish Council stating that they had monitored the situation and felt parked cars on Stockers Hill were causing no concern to road users.  This was also minuted by Rodmersham Parish Council in November 2012.  Mr Bishop noted that the Police did consider that cars parking on the pavement caused a problem for pedestrians, but the Police had powers to enforce this and in any case the occupiers of Bourne Place did not park on Stockers Hill as they already had plenty of space for parking.


Mr Bishop noted that KCC Highways had had some concern about parking widths.  Mr Bishop outlined the parking widths proposed which he noted were above the national requirements required by KCC Highways, and would allow all cars to enter or exit in a forward facing direction.  Mr Bishop stated that with regard to concerns about emergency vehicle access, the existing driveway was 3 metres wide and the maximum width of a fire engine was 2.55 metres so this would not be an issue.  He stated that properties on Highsted Valley would not be overlooked neither would properties in Stockers Brow as all glazing on the rear elevation would be obscured.


Mr Ted Hobday, representing Rodmersham Parish Council, spoke against the application.  Mr Hobday stated that the Parish Council had received numerous complaints from local residents about parking on Stockers Hill and did not consider that they could support the application until those parking issues had been resolved. 


The Ward Member spoke against the application and explained that she also had received complaints from local residents concerned about the access to the site.  She noted that parking issues on Stockers Hill were not caused by the applicant but considered that any increase in traffic at this narrow access point would exacerbate the problem and increase the risk of accidents at the site.


The KCC Highways Officer noted that there had been some inaccuracies on the original drawing and considered that ample parking was proposed.  With regard to concerns about the access to the site, no accident statistics evidence had been provided.  He noted that it was the PCSO that had written the original letter about parking on Stockers Hill and KCC Highways required the support of the Police Safety Unit in order to implement parking restrictions, but as outlined by the applicant they did not consider parking at the site caused a problem to road users.  The KCC Highways Officer did not consider that the proposal would generate a lot of traffic or be used during peak traffic times. 


Members then toured the site with officers including the access to the site.