Agenda item

15/500819/FULL - Land adjoining Driftwood, Imperial Drive, Warden


PRESENT:  Councillors Bobbin, Roger Clark, Richard Darby, Mike Dendor, Mike Henderson, Lesley Ingham, Peter Marchington, Bryan Mulhern (Chairman) and Prescott (Vice-Chairman).


OFFICERS PRESENT:  Rob Bailey and Philippa Davies.


APOLOGIES:  Councillors Cameron Beart, Mark Ellen, Sue Gent and James Hunt.


The Chairman welcomed the Agent, Parish Council representative and 11 members of the public to the meeting.


The Area Planning Officer introduced the application which was for two semi-detached, two bedroom houses and three terraced three bedroom houses, together with associated parking spaces, within the built-up area of Warden.  He explained that the frontage of the site, along Imperial Drive, was 27 metres, with a depth of 40 metres.  He outlined the measurements of the proposed houses, as noted in the report.  The proposed development would have 10 car parking spaces, two for Plot 1, and the remainder would be in the form of a small car parking area.  There would be a 0.8 metre high boundary wall to the frontage.  He further advised that the site was adjacent to open land which was allocated as a play area and he considered the proposal would not result in overshadowing or overlooking.  The garden depths met or exceeded the Council’s guidelines.


The Area Planning Officer reported that six letters of objection had been received, the comments of which were set out in the report.  He stated that the scheme was acceptable in terms of design and the off-street parking addressed highway impact.


The agent briefly outlined the application.


A representative from Warden Parish Council spoke against the application. She stated that the Parish Council considered it was over-development of the site, the proposed terrace was excessive and would impact on adjoining dwellings; there would be a loss of view; there was a lack of employment in the area; schools were already full and there was a lack of bus services.


A Ward Member spoke against the application.  She considered it was overdevelopment; there would be overlooking and it was over-intensification.


A statement from local residents in objection to the application was read out.  The following points were raised:  five houses on the plot was too dense for the size of the plot; this was overdevelopment; the previous application for three houses on the reduced size of site was acceptable; five houses would result in the plots being ‘squeezed in’, and be very close to the existing dwellings; overlooking; overshadowing; loss of privacy and views; the proposed houses were too near to existing dwellings, 18 metres to Driftwood, 10 metres to White Caps, building regulation stated 21 metre distance; five rather than 3 houses would impact on the sea views currently enjoyed; the proposed houses were very small, there was no need for further affordable or social housing in Warden; parking problems; the development was opposite a busy junction; if Cliff Drive was closed because of sea erosion, this would impact further on Imperial Drive; Plots 3, 4 and 5 did not conform to the building line for Imperial Drive; the local school and doctors’ surgery were already oversubscribed; and the application would affect the lives and homes of local residents.


In response to a question, the Area Planning Officer confirmed that he would check the area of the site where six houses had previously been proposed.


Members then toured the site and some adjacent properties with the Area Planning Officer.