Agenda item
Swale Community Safety Priority Setting Consultation
The Community Services Manager introduced the report which provided an overview of the Swale Community Safety Strategic Assessment process and requested feedback from the Committee on the current Swale Community Safety Partnership (CSP) performance as well as any emerging issues it felt the CSP may need to focus on.
The Chair invited comments from Members and points raised included:
· Had trains stations in Swale been considered as a priority? This might improve liaisons with the British Transport Police, Kent Police and the Council;
· welcomed the inclusion of domestic abuse;
· the education of men and boys about domestic abuse against women and girls should be a priority;
· noted that Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) had increased and with the closure of New House Youth Club, Sittingbourne and others, it was so important that engagement with young people needed to be a priority;
· domestic abuse was not just against women;
· domestic abuse was a ‘disease’ within our society, and it was extremely important that it was a CSP priority;
· concerned about the rise in incel and misogynist terrorism, but did not consider this was a ‘new’ threat but should be included as a new category;
· incel and misogyny terrorism should be included in the Equality and Diversity statement and it made clear that domestic abuse affected women in a more disproportionate way than it did men;
· needed to capture the lack of reporting due to digital disadvantages;
· needed to be aware that ASB was not always caused by young people;
· Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) should be considered separately to domestic abuse;
· local charities working with the Council may be able to explore ways of encouraging people to report crimes;
· ASB at Thistle Hill, Minster was a huge issue;
· ASB involving motorbikes at Barton’s Hill and The Leas, Minster needed to be investigated and, perhaps signage could be looked at as the first line of defence;
· requested that police officer resources on the Isle of Sheppey be looked at as it was currently very low; and
· there were nuisance vehicles at The Spinney, Leysdown and in rural areas on the Isle of Sheppey.
The Community Services Manager responded to points raised. She agreed to feed-in concerns regarding train stations and explore whether an action could be included. She said she would be surprised if domestic abuse did not continue to be a priority for the CSP, and engagement and the education around VAWG at schools would continue and that The White Ribbon campaign was being refreshed and would feature as an action. Funding for youth services was reducing and would be a risk from April 2025, so would be discussed at the next partnership meeting. She reported that incel and misogynistic terrorism could be considered as a separate point. With regard to the lack of reporting due to digital disadvantages, the Community Services Manager said it was a concern and the Police did undertake Public Perception Surveys in locations where it was an issue but agreed that the problem needed to be considered further.
The Community Services Manager said they were aware of the issues at Thistle Hill and were looking to address them. Nuisance vehicles would be raised as something to be looked into. She reported that policing levels were monitored through the CSP and would feedback locations of concern.
The Head of Environment and Leisure said that vandalism caused by nuisance vehicles in the Council’s open spaces was increasing and costly to repair.
The Chair encouraged Members to feedback any ward issues to the two CSP representatives.
Councillor Elliott Jayes proposed the recommendation, which was seconded by Councillor Tom Nundy.
(1) That the feedback from the Communities and Leisure Committee informed its strategic assessment and priority setting process for 2025/26.
Supporting documents:
Communities and leisure committee report - Community Safety Priorities January 2025, item 563.
PDF 144 KB
Appendix 2 - Strategic Leads Update Report 241024, item 563.
PDF 210 KB