Agenda item

Leader's Statement

Members may ask questions on the Leader’s Statement.  (To follow).


Statement added 19 October 2015.


The Leader presented his Statement to Members, which included the following topics: Syrian Refugee update; Local Enterprise Partnership; Devolution/Combined Authorities; and changes to the financing of local government.


The Mayor invited Members to ask questions on each section.


Syrian Refugee Update


The Leader advised that the situation was changing minute-by-minute, and whilst various announcements had been made, the detail regarding funding was not yet known.  The Council would play its part but could not commit until the funding situation was clarified.


The Leader of the UKIP Group asked for a response to his questions at the last Council meeting regarding Yazadi and Christian refugees, to which the Leader advised he had no specific update.


The Deputy Leader of the Labour Group suggested it would be useful for all Members to see the report being considered by KCC’s Council meeting the following day, and asked the Leader to give updates via email rather than wait for the next Council meeting.  The Leader asked Democratic Services to circulate the KCC report to all Members. 


The Leader of the Independent Group asked for an update on the question he asked at the last Council meeting regarding Christian refugees not in camps.  He also questioned how it had been possible for three Councils in Kent to give an indicative commitment at this time?


The Leader advised that it was not for him to comment on other authorities’ decisions, as each council was in a different position, for example some had their own retained Council housing stock whilst Swale did not.


Local Enterprise Partnership


The Leader of the Independent Group advised that he was shocked at the level of attendance by District Leaders at the Kent and Medway Economic Partnership Board (KMEP) and was pleased that the Leader was present.  He asked whether there was any movement on the funding of skills training?


The Leader advised that skills training was a major objective of KMEP going forward, and he shared the Member’s disappointment at the level of attendance.


Devolution/Combined Authorities


The Leader of the UKIP Group agreed that this had not been a hot topic at election time, and suggested that perhaps there were more suitable topics for future Leader’s Statements.


The Leader responded by saying that, whilst it may not be a topic of interest in the short term, residents would become interested if, for example, council meetings were held in a different area or funding changed. It was therefore important to be involved in debates on this subject rather than play ‘catch up’.


Changes to the financing of local government


The Leader of the UKIP Group suggested that the central government grant should be redistributed to parish and town councils, as was the case in other Kent authorities.


The Leader noted this and advised that there would be an update on this in due course.


The Leader of the Independent Group welcomed the change to business rates to being determined at a local level, which would be a real benefit to developing commercial enterprise in Swale.


The Leader also welcomed the change, but said he would be keeping a close eye on the detail, as would the Finance Team; and advised that the Council was lucky to have Mr Nick Vickers and his team.  He also advised that Swale had the best record in Kent for allocating land for business to develop industry, and congratulated those involved.  In response to a further question from a Member, the Leader advised that the Council was continuing to improve economic performance.




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