Agenda item
Urgent Motion - White Ribbon Day 2024
Amendment added 4.12.24
The Mayor announced that an urgent motion concerning White Ribbon Day 2024, proposed by Councillor Tom Nundy and seconded by Councillor Watson was received outside of the deadline but he had used his discretion and allowed it to be debated. He went on to advise that a minor amendment had been received, proposed by Councillor Perkin and seconded by Councillor Charles Gibson, and this had been published on the website and circulated to Members. The proposer and seconder of the motion had accepted the amendment, and the substantive motion is set out below:
“Swale Borough Council Notes that White Ribbon Day 2024 was observed on 25th November and coincides with the United Nation’s Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. Council acknowledges the significance of this day in raising awareness about men’s violence against women and girls, and the importance of prioritising Primary Prevention to stop violence from happening in the first place. The council acknowledges the work of the community safety team in Swale and the use of safer streets funding to protect the health, safety and wellbeing of women and girls in Sittingbourne and Sheppey Highstreets, particularly those who are victims of domestic abuse, and would welcome the opportunity to support similar targeted work in other areas of the Borough. Council also acknowledges the incredibly hard work of the voluntary sector in Swale, in particular SATEDA, Clarion and New Leaf who continue to provide high quality services to some of Swale’s most vulnerable women who have fled the most horrific circumstances.
The council recognises that the Autumn budget failed to recognise the need for funding to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls and expresses concerns that funding streams from the Police and Crime Commissioner are coming to an end. The council recognise the ongoing need to address and prevent violence against women and girls, and the need to engage men and boys throughout society. This includes in education, in workplaces, communities and online. The council acknowledges the critical role that we play in shaping and implementing policies that prioritise preventing violence against women and girls and helping to create a more equal society where all individuals, regardless of gender, can live freely without the fear of violence.
Council calls upon all Members to:
- Include the Primary Prevention of violence against women and girls within all policy and strategies across all the council’s departments, alongside responses to gender based violence.
- Continue to develop effective relationships with partner organisations that are developing and delivering primary prevention strategies involving and across all sectors of society, online and offline, including education, health care, the criminal justice system, transport industry, the third sector and private businesses
- Reaffirm the councils commitment to implement Chapter 3 of the Istanbul Convention, which focuses on prevention measures, especially focusing on engaging men and boys through education, workplaces and leisure and sport organisations.
- To call on the Government to increase investment and statutory sources of funding for specialist organisations working on Primary Prevention initiatives aimed at addressing the underlying factors contributing to violence against women. Council requests the following: The leader of the council, along with all group leaders, the mayor and chief executive write to central government requesting further funding to tackle VAWG in Swale.”
In proposing the motion, Councillor Nundy spoke in support of the amendment but drew attention that much of the funding criteria had been Sittingbourne-led. He said that the Community Safety Unit had carried out some excellent work and should be thanked. Councillor Nundy said there were many wonderful charities in the borough that supported victims of domestic abuse and violence against women and girls, from the beginning of reporting incidents to the end of legal proceedings and beyond. He referred to the 37% increase in domestic abuse over the past five years, drew attention that two women a week were killed by their current or former partner and said that 32% of every suicide in the UK was related to domestic abuse.
Councillor Nundy said the Autumn budget had closed funding streams to domestic violence charities, with a predicted funding loss of £250k. He said that as Chair of the Community Safety Unit Partnership, he had already written to the borough’s two MPs and to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, but in order to show a united front, a cross-party letter was needed to stress how important the funding was, and for funding streams to be re-opened for use. Finally, Councillor Nundy said the other parts of the motion were to reaffirm previous commitments to provide preventative strategies and he encouraged everyone to take the White Ribbon promise to protect women and girls.
The Mayor clarified that the word ‘instruct’ had been replaced with ‘request’ in the original motion.
In seconding the motion, Councillor Watson reserved her right to speak.
The Mayor opened up the debate to Members who made points including:
· Supported the motion which was a declaration of shared commitment that safety, respect and equality was a right;
· White Ribbon Day served as a critical reminder of violence against women;
· commended the work of the Community Safety team in their support of women and girls in Swale;
· referred to the lack of funding;
· men were also victims of domestic violence;
· spoke of the Council’s role in prevention by integrating the prevention of violence in policies;
· this was not just about funding but about providing safety and dignity of women and girls;
· SBC played a crucial role and should integrate policies for the prevention of domestic violence;
· highlighted that coercive and controlling behaviour often led to domestic violence;
· spoke of the importance of victim support through the court process;
· reminded Members that White Ribbon was specifically about male violence, toxic masculinity, rape culture, coercive control and misogynistic comments to women and girls and that should be the focus;
· raised concern that there could still be a culture of men who were outwardly supportive of the White Ribbon campaign but were inwardly part of the problem; and
· thanked domestic abuse charities.
A Member gave an emotional speech on her personal experience of domestic violence. She applauded domestic charities and said that the good work carried out by them needed continued financial support. She said that prevention was better than cure and White Ribbon Day should be remembered every day.
In summing up, Councillor Nundy gave the history of White Ribbon Day and urged Members to support the motion.
On being put to the vote, Members voted in support.
Council calls upon all Members to:
- Include the Primary Prevention of violence against women and girls within all policy and strategies across all the council’s departments, alongside responses to gender-based violence.
- Continue to develop effective relationships with partner organisations that are developing and delivering primary prevention strategies involving and across all sectors of society, online and offline, including education, health care, the criminal justice system, transport industry, the third sector and private businesses
- Reaffirm the Council’s commitment to implement Chapter 3 of the Istanbul Convention, which focuses on prevention measures, especially focusing on engaging men and boys through education, workplaces and leisure and sport organisations.
- To call on the Government to increase investment and statutory sources of funding for specialist organisations working on Primary Prevention initiatives aimed at addressing the underlying factors contributing to violence against women.
- Council requests the following: The leader of the council, along with all group leaders, the mayor and chief executive write to central government requesting further funding to tackle VAWG in Swale.
Supporting documents:
Urgent Motion - White Ribbon Day, item 459.
Amendment to Agenda Item 10 Dec - White Ribbon Day 24, item 459.