Agenda item
2.1 - 23/505558/FULL 87 High Street/1-5 Central Avenue, Sittingbourne
Applications for which PERMISSION is recommended
2.1 REFERENCE NO – 23/505558/FULL |
PROPOSAL Proposed change of use of the existing first and second floor from office use (Class E) to residential (use Class C3), including the erection of an additional third floor and a three-storey rear extension to create a total of 22 self-contained residential flat units. |
SITE LOCATION Junction of 87 High Street and 1-5 Central Avenue, Sittingbourne, Kent, ME10 4AU |
WARD Chalkwell |
APPLICANT Sleek Direct London Limited AGENT Ken Judge & Associated Ltd |
The Planning Consultant introduced the application as set out in the report.
The Chair moved the officer recommendation to grant planning permission as per the recommendation in the report, and this was seconded by the Vice-Chair.
The Chair invited Members to make comments, and these included:
· Sought clarity on how many units would be allocated as social housing?;
· the height of the building was a concern but understood that due to the location of the site, the impact would be minimal;
· could officers ensure that the extension be made with the same materials as the existing building?;
· thought it was good to see the third floor set back from the high street;
· concerned that only four car parking spaces were being proposed and that it would be unnecessary pressure on the town centre car parks;
· could officers ask the developer to fit wastewater heat recovery kits for the showers?
· the development was the right place to introduce a car sharing scheme;
· why had the proposal not included a green roof rather than solar panels?; and
· were the four car parking spaces Electric Vehicle (EV) charging parking spaces?
The Planning Consultant responded to points raised and said that there were only three units that were allocated as first homes, which meant the price would be capped at 30% below market value/£250,000.
Regarding the car parking spaces the officer said that the location of the site was in a highly sustainable area that did not require the residents to own a car. The four car parking spaces had EV chargers and an informative could be added to make the developer aware of the wastewater heat recovery kits that could be fitted on the showers in each unit.
The Planning Consultant confirmed that the design of the extension would be the same as the existing building and that the developer had agreed to replace all windows of the existing building. The green roof design had been proposed to slow down the wastewater run-off from the site into the sewers, the green vegetation would aid this with the collection of water before it reached the sewerage of the high street.
Councillor Angela Harrison proposed that two extra words be added to the mitigation table for the NHS contributions on page 49, paragraph 5.5 of the report, and it be amended to read: Towards refurbishment, facilities, equipment, reconfiguration and/or extension of existing general practice and other healthcare premises covering the area of development or new premises for general practice or healthcare services provided in the community in line with the healthcare infrastructure strategy for the area. This was seconded by the Chair and on being put to the vote, agreed.
Resolved: That application 23/505558/FULL be granted as per the recommendation in the report, with the additional wording to be added to the mitigation table as minuted.
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