Agenda item

Public Forum


Niquie Trower, Sheppey Action Group, asked what SBC were doing about warm hubs now that the Winter Fuel Payment had been cut. She also said that the Sheppey Action Group would be coordinating donations of blankets and non-perishable food for elderly people. The Director of Regeneration & Neighbourhoods responded that SBC worked closely with the local Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector who provided a number of options throughout the winter. We do not currently have a list of where these will be located as many were still in planning, but we could update with these at the next meeting. We recently received the positive news that Household Support Fund had been extended again to support households through the winter months. We would work with our partners in the VCSE to support families through existing support packages and develop targeted support to those who were affected by the removal of the Winter Fuel Payment. In addition, we are running targeted campaigns by writing to households who we know are eligible for Pension Credit to advise them to claim. The Pension Credit application was relatively simple compared to things like PiP, however there would be support available to help people with the process at our One Swale Roadshows over the next three months:

·       Thursday 26th September - Sheppey Gateway;

·       Tuesday 22nd October - Faversham Salvation Army; and

·       Thursday 21st November - Sittingbourne Heather House Community Hub.


Chris Reed, Sheerness Town Council, suggested that town and parish councils on the Isle of Sheppey group together to employ a tourism officer to publicise the attractions on the Island and could liaise with SBC when events were put on. The Chair suggested that the clerks of the town and parish councils may wish to meet to discuss the suggestion further.


Nicola Scott spoke about incidents of anti-social behaviour that had taken place at Leysdown Coastal Park and wanted to make Councillors aware of this issue.


Nicola Scott asked why the petition that had been submitted for there to be a Leysdown Parish Council by-election had not been actioned by SBC. Councillor Tara Noe advised that the Democratic Services Manager had been in touch with the Parish Council and the original petition did not contain the signatures of those calling for the election. It had been requested that a valid petition with signatures be re-submitted so that the process could begin.


Nicola Scott raised concerns about correct procedures not being followed by Leysdown Parish Council. The Chair advised her once the by-election had taken place and the three new councillors appointed, they would be able to address the issues being experienced at Leysdown Parish Council.


Councillor Ben Pointing, Minster-on-Sea Parish Council, asked why litter bins had been removed and not replaced. The Chair responded that at the Budget Council meeting last year, it was agreed that as part of a savings programme, an audit of litter bins be carried out, which ward councillors were consulted about. As a result, some bins were removed. However, it was acknowledged that this would need monitoring to ensure that the decisions for removal made were correct as usage can vary at different times of the year.