Agenda item

Questions submitted by Members

To consider any questions submitted by Members.  (The deadline for questions is 4.30 pm the Wednesday before the meeting – please contact Democratic Services by e-mailing or call 01795 417330).


Responses to Council Questions published Tuesday 22 September 2015.



The Mayor advised there were 12 questions, the answers to which have been provided to Members and a copy is attached at Appendix 1 to these Minutes.  The Mayor reminded Members that there was a three minute time limit for supplementary questions and their answers, and invited Members to ask a supplementary question.


Question 1


Councillor Roger Truelove clarified the location of the site and asked the Cabinet Member for Regeneration what type of development he would he like to see at the site?  The Cabinet Member advised he would like to see sustainable development.


Question 2


Councillor Ghlin Whelan asked when any development on site would commence?  The Cabinet Member for Regeneration reiterated his original response that the date would be dependent on the outcome of the planning application to be discussed at Planning Committee on 24 September 2015.


Question 3


Councillor Ghlin Whelan referred to the Minutes of the last Council meeting that advised that the identity of the Cinema Operator would be revealed at the end of August, and asked when there would be more progress?  The Cabinet Member for Regeneration advised that communications were on-going and the Cinema Operator would be releasing a Public Relations statement shortly.


Question 4


Councillor Roger Truelove asked what the cost implications were and whether it was viable to adopt such a drainage scheme?  The Cabinet Member for Environmental and Rural Affairs advised that it was a Kent County Council scheme. He acknowledged there was a drainage problem in Sittingbourne High Street, and sustainable underground drainage with planting and urban design features would enhance the Town Centre.  He did not yet know the costs.


Question 5


Councillor Alan Horton raised his concern that the United Reform Church in Sittingbourne High Street could fall into decay if left empty, and that this would have a negative impact in the Conservation Area. He asked if the building would be brought into the Heritage Centre of the Town?  The Cabinet Member for Regeneration agreed that there were some very interesting buildings in Sittingbourne, some hidden, including the United Reform Church. He compared any possible refurbishment with the pleasing refurbishment of the Magistrates Court, and agreed that the Church should be incorporated into phase 2.


Councillor Roger Truelove corrected the Cabinet Member’s reference to not being approached by the Diocese in his written response, to Synod, and was advised by the Cabinet Member that an approach had not been made by anybody.


Question 6


Councillor Mike Baldock questioned the accuracy of the Conservation Area Management Strategies and their usefulness in decision making, as he considered the plans were out of date.  The Cabinet Member for Planning stated that the plans were a valued resource and gave examples where they had been used in recent development.  He agreed that they had not been updated for some time and should be considered as part of the service  plan after the examination and adoption of the Local Plan.


Question 7


Councillor Mick Galvin thanked the Cabinet Member for Planning for his response.


Question 8


Councillor Andy Booth sought reassurances from the Cabinet Member for Environmental and Rural Affairs for a joint meeting with the Sheppey Boat and Angling Club and other agencies to consider improvements to the slipway to encourage recreational fishing.  The Cabinet Member for Environmental and Rural Affairs agreed to meet and consider what funding was available.


Question 9


Councillor Mike Henderson asked what progress had been made in developing a policy and action plan for Swale Borough Council to assist Syrian refugees/asylum seekers,  and asked for a clear commitment to provide some homes for Syrian families? He gave an example that if each of the 324 district/borough/unitary authorities in England took four families, 13,000 could be homed within 12 months.  The Cabinet Member for Housing advised that the issue was being taken very seriously, and referred to action that had been taken previously with Afghan refugees.


Question 10


Councillor Mike Henderson asked what action was being taken to stop the Conservation Officer leaving his post, and what improvements would be made to assist his replacement?  The Cabinet Member for Planning advised that individual employees were not to be discussed in Council meetings, and that potential candidates would have to meet the job requirements. Interviews for a replacement had already been undertaken.


Question 11


Councillor Monique Bonney referred to the impact of the Planning Shared service on staff, officers, householders and businesses in Swale,  and asked whether the shared service would continue with just Swale and Maidstone?  The Cabinet Member for Planning advised that the service was close to achieving performance targets,  with just a small backlog of cases, and that the disaggregation of Tunbridge Wells would be effective from April 2016.  He also advised that Swale was currently undertaking its own investigations into whether to continue as a shared service, and the results would be available in two months.


Question 12


Councillor Monique Bonney compared the unattractive empty shops in Sittingbourne High Street, within the Conservation Area, with other shopping areas and asked what would be done to improve the situation?  The Cabinet Member for Regeneration advised that Sittingbourne had the longest High Street in Kent, some empty shops were about to be filled, and 163 shops were full.  He advised that 80% of residents currently shopped out of town but he encouraged the growth of the High Street and considered that after the regeneration, shoppers would be encouraged to return.

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