Agenda item

Taxi Policy


The Licensing Team Leader introduced the report which contained consultation responses on the draft ‘Statement of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy’ and officers recommendations on the amendments to the draft policy statement.


The Licensing Team Leader pointed Members to the draft policy shown in Appendix I of the report and the summary of proposed changes that had been incorporated into the policy shown at Appendix II of the report.


The Licensing Team Leader explained that one major change to the policy that would affect the trade was the climate emergency and the taxi fleet as there were major concerns within the trade that the appropriate infrastructure needed in Swale for electric vehicles was currently not present. She added that it was the view of officers that the date of implementation of electric vehicle requirement be put back until 1 April 2027, subject to an interim review of the taxi policy in 2024.


The Licensing Team Leader added that comments had been received from the taxi trade relating to the Street Knowledge Test and that there were proposed changes for applicants sitting the test and they would not be required to have Borough-wide knowledge of the routes, but only be required to know the routes specific to the area in which the applicant wished to work.


Mr Trison Aspin, Taxi operator of Sittingbourne Cabs, spoke on the Taxi policy.


Mr Mark Richard, Taxi operator of Sittingbourne Cabs, spoke on the Taxi policy.


The Chair invited Members to make comments, which included:


-        There had been a number of ‘world events’ since the last Committee meeting in February 2022, and the effect it had on taxi operators supply of vehicles;

-        electric vehicle charging points in the Borough were not good enough;

-        some areas of the Borough did not have charging points so it would be impracticable for Taxi drivers to drive in those areas, if they had an electric vehicle;

-        could we still review this policy if we decided to put the vehicle requirement back by two years?

-        older vehicles were being phased out by the Government;

-        thought that changes to the Street Knowledge Test were needed as Swale was a large Borough and it was unreasonable to expect drivers to know all the streets in the Borough; and

-        would prefer to keep the minimum driving age at 21 but accepted that lowering the age Could encourage more taxi drivers in the Borough.


The Licensing Team Leader responded to some of the comments made and confirmed that if the Committee decided that they wished to push the electric vehicle requirement back they would be able to review the policy in 2024. She added that the taxi vehicle life was 10 years, but often found that operators replaced vehicles after 7-8 years so considered delaying the rollout of electric vehicles would not be affected by the Government’s plans to phase out older vehicles.


Councillor Mike Whiting proposed recommendation one with alternative option at 5.1(d) with an amendment that the year 2030 in paragraph 3.3.2 be changed to 2033 to allow Taxi operators sufficient time to replace their vehicles to the appropriate Euro 6 standards. This was seconded by Councillor Paul Stephen.


Councillor Cameron Beart proposed recommendations two and three in the report, and these were seconded by Councillor Mike Whiting. 




(1)   Agreed that officers updated the draft policy document at Appendix I of the report in accordance with alternative option 5.1(d) of the Report. Additionally, the wording of the Policy set out at paragraph 3.3.2 of the report be amended so that references to 2030 read 2033.


(2)   That the policy be updated in accordance with Appendix I, subject to the amendment as minuted, and final approval of the document be delegated to the Chair of Licensing Committee without the need to report back to the Licensing Committee with a commencement date of 1 November 2022.


(3)   That delegated authority be given to the Community Safety Manager in consultation with the Chair of the Licensing Committee to make necessary minor amendments to appendices of the Statement of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy.

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